20| Getting Over Adam

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Bella was sitting in her room painting her nails neon colors when she got a text from Marcus.

Marc Baby:
OMG! Did you hear?
Sent: Today, 6:34 pm

She rolled her eyes and daintily picked up her phone, careful not to ruin her nails. She quickly sent him a return text.

Izzy Boo:
Sent: Today, 6:35 pm
* * * * *
Marc Baby:
A and W are an official COUPLE! Just heard from Little H.
Sent: Today, 6:37 pm

Bella's phone clattered to the floor and she swore so loudly she bit her tongue. Tasting blood, she ignored the fact that her nails were still wet and grabbed the nearest projectile, her hairbrush, throwing it across the room and screaming again.

"What the actual FUCK!" She shrieked. Her nails were a sticky mess and her voice felt hoarse...

• • • • •

...Lucy was sitting at dinner with her family when she felt her phone vibrate.

She slipped it out of her pocket and glanced at it quickly, her eyes flitting over the text message.

I just heard from Winnie... She and Adam are officially dating.
Sent: Today, 6:49 pm

She inhaled sharply.

"You ok?" Chase was looking at her with a curious expression, his brow furrowed. Ever since he had shouted at her in the bathroom, he had been trying to be extra nice to her. Lucy felt her stomach twist.

"Excuse me." She placed her napkin over her untouched food and left the table, a hand pressed to her mouth.

She managed to make it to her bedroom. Shakily she dialed Noah's number.

"Lucy." He answered on the second ring.

"Noah." Her throat clogged and a sob escaped her lips.

"What's wrong? Are you ok? Lucy, are you ok?" His voice rose in panic.

"I'm fine." A tear trickled down her nose. "I just... God, I'm so stupid!"

"What happened? Do I need to come over?"

"N-no. I just... Will you stay on the phone with me?"

"Of course." She could hear him sitting down on his bed and she did the same, tucking her feet up under the covers and curling into her pillow.

"I t-told Winnie I liked Adam..." She hiccuped. "But I d-didn't know she liked him..."

"Lucy..." His voice was low. "I'm sorry..."

"It was silly of me to think he would ever like m-me... Who w-would like me?"

Noah was silent on the other line.

"I j-just... I wanted to get over y- get over..." She froze, her words trailing off. How would he react? She didn't want to find out. If Noah hurt her like Adam had, she didn't think she'd be able to handle it. They'd been best friends since forever.

"Get over who?" He asked quietly.

"It's nothing..." She cut the conversation off. "Thanks for staying awake with me."


"Goodnight, Noah."

He sighed. "... Night, Lu."

• • • • •

It was raining on Monday: an appropriate condition, Bella thought.

If she couldn't be happy, then why should the sky be happy?

She and Marcus were sitting under the courtyard steps, invisible to anyone walking by and shielded from the rain.

"I hate life." She muttered. Marcus didn't say anything, but he pulled a cigarette pack from his bag and offered her one. Silently she took it and let him light it for her.

Smoke filtered around her. She blew out heavily and took another drag. Marcus lit a cigarette for himself and they sat in a haze.

"Damn it." She swore. "All of the hot guys are dropping like flies."

"True." Marcus replied lazily.

"Like, seriously. I can't remember the last time I saw a hot single guy in this school. What's up with that?" She sat up. "Isn't it weird that our school has no single guys? I can't name any."

Marcus shrugged and blew a ring of smoke.

"Marc, seriously. Why are there so many couples in this school? It's ridiculous!"

Marcus frowned as if he had just realized something. "Cigarettes are so bad for us. Why the hell are we smoking?" He stubbed his stick and plucked Bella's from her mouth, crushing it into the ground.

"I wasn't done with that." She pouted.

"Let's get to class, Izzy." He stood and brushed off his pants, helping her get up. She wobbled in her heels, but remained standing.

"Maybe Chase will date me," she suggested as they walked up the steps.

Marcus laughed. "Dibs."

"He's not even gay, Marc."

Marcus looked rightfully scandalized. "You don't know that!"

She giggled, throwing an arm around his shoulder. "Alright I'll make a deal with you. If he's gay, you can have him."

Her best friend grinned, wrapping an arm around her waist. "Deal."

• • • • •

Noah watched Lucy pick at her food all through lunch.

"Are you going to eat?" He asked, but she shook her head.

"I'm not hungry." She wouldn't look at him, and kept her eyes on her plate. Two seats down Winnie was laughing at something Adam had said. Their shoulders were touching.

Noah sighed and looked away from Lucy, his emotions a mixing pot of concern.

Haydn seemed to notice something was amiss with the girl as well, because she scooted closer to her, letting her hand touch Lucy's shoulder.

"You ok, Lu?"

Lucy nodded. "Yeah, I think so."

"I know you had a crush on Adam... I'm sorry."

Lucy wasn't really surprised to hear that. She assumed everyone knew. "I'm just tired." It was a weak excuse, but it was all she had the energy for.

"Don't worry, Lu. I'm sure you'll find someone even better than Adam." Haydn's encouragement was half-hearted, but Lucy couldn't help but look at Noah sadly.

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