27| Car Kisses

64 3 1

1:07 am

"NO SLEEP!" Jack crowed, pounding his closed fists on his chest.

"Calm down." Chase pulled the crazed boy off the bar, looking throughly embarrassed. Phil was wiping down the counter and rolling his eyes at Jack.

"One too many, I'd say."

• • • • •

Cameron and Toby were still hiding behind the potted plant, watching the chaos unfold.

"What was he drinking?" Toby muttered, eyes wide as she watched Jack roll around on the floor.

"Um... no idea." Cameron glanced nervously at her friend.

"Maybe we should leave," T suggested. "This isn't going as planned."

"No! We can't." Cameron grabbed Toby's wrist. "We have to find out if Chase likes Marcus."

Toby was about to argue when she noticed something on the bar counter.

"Is that Jack's phone?" She tugged on Cameron's shirt, getting her attention. The taller girl peered around the plant, squinting at the counter.

"It is!"

It took both girls about two seconds to form a silent plan. Toby sprung up, smoothing her hair down and pushing her glasses up her nose.

"Jack!" She waved to him. He looked around for her voice, his mouth open and his tongue hanging out of his mouth like a dog.

"Tobias!" He beamed at her, swaggering away from Chase and uncrossing his eyes to peer at the tiny girl. "Chase, it's your friend!" He motioned a very confused Chase over.

"Sorry," he apologized to Toby, who looked close to freaking out. "He's just confused."

Jack frowned. "No I'm not! She said you were friends. She and the redhead. Where is she anyway?"

Toby panicked. "He's really delusional!" She squeaked to Chase. This wasn't going according to plan. She was just supposed to be the distraction. She hadn't counted on Jack remembering who she was, let alone the conversation they had had about Chase earlier.

Her eyes caught Cameron waving from behind the potted plant, Jack's phone in hand.

"Gotta go!" She walked briskly away, making sure Jack wasn't following her.

Chase watched her go curiously, his brow furrowed. "I've seen her around somewhere."

Jack giggled. "She's pretty."

• • • • •

Toby slid into the booth.

"Please tell me you have a plan, Cameron," she begged. "Jack remembered who I was and almost blew our cover."

Cameron was scrolling through Jack's contact list.

"What kind of idiot doesn't have a password?" She scoffed.

Toby looked hurt. "I don't."

C blanched. "Sorry, T."

She stopped scrolling when she reached the 'M' section and a smile twitched against her mouth.

"What a coincidence... Jack has Marcus's number." She looked mischievously at Toby. "What do you say we send him a text?"

• • • • •

Jack Benson:
Sent: Today, 1:34 am

• • • • •

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