"Hi pretty bird!" Mizuki said as she patted the owl's head. Nanami giggled as she stroked the fur on her wing. The owl cooed at them both sweetly, nuzzling her head against their tiny hands. 

"Actually, it might be good for them to go," Muzan said as he looked at them all. Yuki looked at him in surprise, "you can't be serious?" 

"I am," Muzan continued, "the Hashira will be less likely to try anything with the girls there with you and who better to be with on their first outing into the world than their mother? They will be safest with you." 

"Oh please Mama can we!?" Nanami squealed as her and her twin sister looked up at their mother with the same puppy dog pout she used on Muzan a few moments ago. Shizuka bumped her head into Yuki's to gain her attention before softly replying, "I can assure you they will be safe." 

Yuki bit her bottom lip in thought before sighing in defeat, "ok, you can come too." Both girls cheered happily as the other demons looked at them both in disbelief. 

"I don't like this one bit," Akaza said as he crossed his arms over his broad chest. 

"Akaza and I tend not to agree with one another, but this time I think we do," Douma said with a worried expression.

"They will be fine," Muzan said, "besides, if something prevents them from coming back after sundown then we will go get them ourselves." 

"Alright my loves, I think it is best that you go play and rest this evening so we can go during the day time," Yuki said as she kissed the foreheads of her two daughters. The two girls ran off to their room to play with their mother right behind them. Muzan stared after them for a moment in deep thought before going into his lab. 

That morning as Muzan was coming to lay down with her, Yuki got up from the bed to stretch before getting dressed. She had let Shizuka rest on the chair beside her for the rest of the night and gently patted her head as she passed the chair. Muzan watched her trying to decide what to wear when he sighed deeply. He got up from bed in just his pajama bottoms like always, and bent down to retrieve a box underneath the bed. Yuki watched as he opened the box after placing it on the bed to reveal her old slayer uniform. She gasped and looked up at him, "I thought you threw it away..." 

"I wanted to, but you seemed so attached to it. I just hid it from you until you needed it again. I think today is that day," he said as he kissed the top of her head lovingly. Yuki looked down at the haori coat, running her fingers over the swirled and snowflake pattern. Looking at this outfit brought memories back she had thought she forgotten, but she smiled up at Muzan, thankful for him. She placed a kiss to his lips as a thank you before she got dressed in her old Hashira uniform. Muzan went to go get the two girls up and picked out two kimonos for them to wear. 

Yuki made them breakfast to eat and packed a few snacks to take along with her in case they were gone all day. As they ate, she brushed their hair and packed their favorite toys to play with. After they were done, she helped them get dressed in their kimonos. Mizuki wore a white one with gold stars and a gold obi while Nanami wore a pink one with white rabbits and a fuschia obi. Muzan walked her to the front door where everyone else was waiting for them. They all hugged her and the two girls as Yuki placed her nichirin blades on her back in their holsters. Shizuka perched herself on the top of Yuki's head as Muzan walked with her and the two girls across the bridge and through the forest. When they got to the Fortress part of the Infinity Castle, Muzan held Yuki, who held the two girls as he gently landed to the door to the outside. 

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