Chapter 60: Near Death

Start from the beginning

"Teresa go!" Thomas ordered.

Without hesitation she kept off the edge and disappeared. It would have been kind of cool if they weren't being mangled by monsters.

"Chuck! Go!"

With the help of Thomas, Chuck jumped off the edge and winked out of existence. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a Griever coming towards them.

"Tommy! Go! Look out!" Evelyn screamed.

She shoved Thomas in the back, he only just managed to leap off, avoiding the Griever tail. It came around and smacked Evelyn in the side of the head. She went flying, hitting the ground hard, her head smacking the stone ground. The momentum made her roll a few times, rolling through a pool of someone else's warm sticky blood and came to a stop by slamming into the wall. Trying to blink away the blackness and spots she tried to get to her hands and knees at least. The ground kept moving, and there seemed to be two of everything.

A loud animal scream shock the ground, she felt the ground shak as the sharp spiked metal legs slammed into the ground. It took it's time slowly creeping towards her. The sounds of screaming and crying filled Evelyn's ears, her vision was fuzzy and spotty, but she could smell the metallic wet of blood mixing with the harsh motor oil.

The Griever over top of her screamed. The tail whipped above its body, the claw opening wide and came down towards her. Only to be stopped by someone jumping in the way. A long machete knife in one half and a long spear wrapped in goop filled barbwire.

A wild savage roar was yelled back at the Griever. Sonny had blocked the tail with his machete and was stabbing at its body with the spear. Evelyn tried to scramble to her feet, she needed to help. But nothing was working. Even her vision was coming and going. Her hearing was thick, the screaming of the boys had faded.

Someone else appeard on her vision. She couldn't make out details, but they were yelling at her and turning to yell at Sonny who was now trying to avoid a saw blade that appeared from the Grievers back. Her mind registered,

"Get her out of here!"

The person in front of her grabbed her shoulders and pulled her up. Her legs felt like jelly and the ground wouldn't stop moving. If the person wasn't holding her she would have sunk back to the ground. Her head was rolling, and her stomach was twisting.

There was a sickening wet shink noise and a blood curdling scream. Evelyn's blood turned to ice in her veins.

"Nooooo!" The scream ripped from her throat. She ripped herself from the person holding her. Spinning back around and flinging herself onto the ground. Sonny had fallen to the ground, a wide gash in his abdomen. He was already covered in blood.

"NOOOOO!" She screamed again, "ENOUGH!"

Without thinking of anything but Sonny's life she slammed her hands into his blood soaked torso and screamed. Her body felt like it was on fire. Every nerve ending was white hot. She felt like lightning had just struck her. With another anguished scream, she forced it all into Sonny.


She felt the bleeding slow down and his organs mending.

"NO...MORE..!" She screamed again, the hot pain in her body just made her even angrier, with another scream that ripped her vocal cords, a blast of hot glowing light lit the dark bloody hall, and Sonny's back arched off the ground and his eyes shot open and sat straight up with a gasp of life in his lungs.

Evelyn collapsed, her head filled with a clouded haze. Every muscle was on fire and a deep burning ache in her body. She could do anything else, nothing was working, she felt her self being picked up, but her vision was dark and her hearing was coming and going.

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