Chapter 83

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Jimin stole Yoongi's favourite huddie and wore it . Yoongi's parents arrived in Grandparents house . Jimin questioned them about Yoongi's pain and sufferings and told everything about his past . Yoongi's parents were in deep shock 😳 to hear everything . They couldn't even imagine Yoongi's situation and suffering . They didn't know anything about this . For the first time they knew about this and that too from Jimin . They were hurt and happy at the same time . Hurt because Yoongi hid everything inside his heart for so many years and happy because finally he opened up with Jimin . He shared his pain with him .

After listening both sides of story , Jimin knew it's not Yoongi's parents fault . In fact they were never in fault . It's all happened because of that psycho , Andrew . He created misunderstandings between Yoongi and his parents and poisoned his mind too .

Now Jimin's mind is clear . He was too clear everything between Yoongi and his parents but this isn't gonna easy because Yoongi doesn't wanna see his parents .

Yoongi returned back from market and found Jimin in still in his huddie and now he stole his pants too . He took Jimin in their room and threw him on the bed . Let's see what happens next .........

Yoongi : I told you that I will use my ways . (hold the waistband of the huddie)

Jimin (screamed) : Ahhhhhhhhh I didn't wear anything under it . Leave me .

Yoongi : I told you it's not my problem .

Jimin : I will call Grandma . Grandmaaaaa Grandpaaaaaaaa

Yoongi : Scream .... scream ... scream more loudly . No one is here to save you . They are still in market . Now I will definitely take my huddie back . (wrapped him in blanket)

Jimin (screaming) : Hey ..... what are you doing ? Why are you wrapping me ? Ahhhhh leave me .

Yoongi : Just wait a minute you little Jiminie 🐥 ! You started stealing my clothes . Let me teach you some manners .

(He put his hand under the blanket and grabbed the waistband of huddie and removed it in one go and Jimin screamed loudly .)

Jimin (screamed) : Ahhhhhhhhhhh

Yoongi : Ahhh my poor ear !

(Jimin immediately hid himself under the blanket like a turtle 🐢 who hide his head under his shell .)

Yoongi (hugged the huddie) : Oh my dear huddie ! I missed you so much . (Jimin's effect 🤦‍♀️ . He also started talking with non living things .)

(He removed his t-shirt and quickly wore the huddie and looked at Jimin who became a turtle .)

(He smiled to see his kid and went near him

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

(He smiled to see his kid and went near him .)

Yoongi (patted his head) : Don't you dare to mess with me . Don't forget you are Little Jiminie , my Kid 🐣 .

My Strict Professor Husband (Yoonmin) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin