Chapter 19

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  A/N  POV : 

Jimin was sleeping peacefully in his room. He didn't applied any ointment on his hands as result his hands become more red and swell. (Awwww my Chimmy's baby hand) Yoongi came back . He opened the door by his spare key and entered inside the house. Nowadays when he entered in the house Jimin always welcomed him with his sweet smile and angelic voice but today he was welcomed by silent house. He got used to him and his voice. He didn't liked this silent house anymore . Strange right ? Min Yoongi who doesn't talk much and love silence is now hate this silent atmosphere. Our Chimmy make his place in Yoongi's heart not like as a husband . He made his place like a housemate . Let's see What is Yoongi thinking ?????

  Yoongi's  POV  :

I came back into home by unlocking the door from spare key. I wanted to check Jimin . What did he do when I didn't here ? When I entered the house it was all silent like before Jimin's arrival . Usually when I came home I always welcomed by Jimin's cheerful voice but today he wasn't seeing anywhere. He msg me that he reached at home safely then where is he ? Maybe he was in Kitchen .

( He checked him in the Kitchen but he wasn't there. He called his name but got no response from him. He start panicking . He searched him in the entire house but Jimin wasn't there at the end he checked him in Jimin's room and sigh in relief to see him sleeping peacefully. He came near him and sit beside him.)

Yoongi covered him with blanket

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Yoongi covered him with blanket. Because he doesn't want he catch cold. Jimin was sleeping with AC on the lowest temperature. The whole room was chilled like he entered in freezing area. But Jimin wasn't bother. He slept without blankets whereas Yoongi was feeling cold. Yoongi wasn't used to it. He doesn't like cold weather whereas Jimin loves winter. He can't sleep without AC.

( Jimin is just like me. I also can't sleep without AC. I can't drink normal temperature water. I only drink chilled icy water even in winters too. My brother always said that "I should live in Antarctica with penguin" 🐧 🐧 🐧 🐧 🐧 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 )

They both are completely different from each other Yoongi wants black and Jimin wants colours. Yoongi loves silence, Jimin loves chaotic. Yoongi wants to spend his free time at home whereas Jimin wants to travel. They both are like South and North Pole. But you know naa opposite attraction. 😉


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