Chapter -1

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Two boys are running in the corridors of the college. Younger one shouted hyung run fast with your small legs otherwise professor doesn't let us inside. Yeah yeah What can I do if I have small legs elder one said. They both reach at their class's door but their bad luck Professor is already inside and start the lecture.

????1 : Excuse us Sir, Can we come inside ?

Professor : No need to come inside, Lecture has already started .

?????2 : Sir , please let us come inside .

Professor : Are you both deaf ?

????1 : We are really really sorry Sir

Professor : Tell me what's the college time ? Jimin ......

Jimin : 9 O'clock Sir

Professor : Ohh you know!

Jimin (head hung low) : Yes sir.

Professor : When did first lecture start Jungkook?

Jungkook : At 9:15 am , Sir .

Professor (pissed off) : And what time is it now?

Jimin : 9:30 am Sir

Professor : Both of you are 15 mins late and now you disturbing everyone . Leave now .

Jimin : Please Sir , we have genuine reason of being late . Jungkook's bike stopped at midway . We both ran to reach here . You can see we are sweating because of running . We are not lying Sir , please believe us . (shows puppy eyes)

Professor : I know you never lie , Jimin . I trust you . This is your first time , so I'm not punishing you and allowing you but never come late to my lecture . Do you understand ?

Jimin : Yes Sir. We understood . Now , Can we come inside ?

Professor : Yes, but I will not repeat this topic . You both have to learn this by your own . Is it clear ?

Jimin & Jungkook : Yes Sir, Thank you.

They both came inside and sit on an empty seat . After sometime lecture end . Jungkook rest his head on the seat and tried to sleep . 2nd lecture started and professor came inside and start teaching . Jimin was concentrating on the lecture meanwhile Jungkook was sleeping . Jimin tried his best to wake him up but being a deep slumber he didn't woke up. It was 4th lecture and Jungkook was still sleeping liking a dead man.

Professor : So tell me what ................ stands for?

Some students raised their hands to give answer.

Professor : Jungkook... Jungkook.... JEON JUNGKOOK (Shouts)

Jungkook (flinch at the sudden voice) : Ye....yeah who the hell disturbed my precious sleep.... (irritated voice)

Professor (angry) : Jeon Jungkook where are you ? Come back from your dreamland . This is my class not your bedroom where you are sleeping .

Jungkook (nervous) : No... No Sir , I am awake . Who told you that I am sleeping . I am wide awake .

Professor : Oh really ! then tell me which subject am i  teaching?

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