Chapter 30

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  A/N  POV  : 

Yoongi and Tae both made their partners happy by their surprise . Yoongi's surprise was Cute and Adorable  just like Jimin 🐣 Whereas Tae's surprise was Romanticjust like Kook wants .

Both JiKook were very happy to get their surprise .

Jimin happily had his healthy food dinner without any complaints because he was very happy to get Chimmy . Due to happiness , even healthy food seemed like the most tastiest food to him .

On the other hand with Taekook , Tae took Kook in his room while picking him bridal style . Let's see what happens next to them ?

In Tae's room :

Tae dropped Kook on his bed and went to take shower 🚿

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Tae dropped Kook on his bed and went to take shower 🚿 .

( Of course he hast to take shower . I don't think I need to explain the reason . You all are enough mature to know 😉 . But our naughty Bunny has other plans in his mind . He wants to tease Tae . So he called Tae's mom to complain about him. )

  OTP  : 

Kook (whispering tone) : Hello Eomma !

T/M (big smile) : Hello Kookie ! How are you my little Bun ?

Kook (whispered) : I'm fine Eomma . I misssssssssssssssss you sooooo much .

T/M : Awwww Eomma miss you too baby .

Kook (whispered) : Eomma are you sleeping ?

T/M : No baby , here is day . Did you forget ?

Kook (whispered) : Ohhhh Yeah I forgot .

T/M : It's ok Son , But why are you whispering ?

Kook (whispered) : Because Tae Tae is taking shower .

T/M : So ?

Kook (whispered) : So , I don't want he listens to our conversation . Our conversation is top secret . Shhh don't tell this to anyone .

T/M (smile at his cute baby behaviour) : Ohhhh ok I will not tell this to anyone . Tell me what happened ?

Kook (whispered) : Eomma I wanna do a complaint about Tae Tae .

T/M : Complaint ? Now what that useless Prof did ? Did he scold or punish you without any reason ? Tell me if he did anything like this . I will not spare him .

Kook (whispered) : Nooooo Nooooo Eomma . He didn't did anything like this .

T/M : Then what he did ?

Kook (whispered) : Tell him everything except today's Romantic Dinner Date .

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