Chapter - 4

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  In  Tae's  Cabin  :

  A/ N  POV  :

Jungkook was super angry. He barged into Tae's cabin with Jimin without Tae's permission. Tae got angry when he saw someone barged in his cabin without his permission.

Let's see what happened next......

Tae (without looking at the person) : Hey don't you have any manners? Didn't someone teach you how to behave in front of Professor ? (super angry but stop when he saw Kook and Jimin)

Kook (sending him death glare and voice as equal to him) : Yeah I'm mannerless but what happened to you. Mr. Good boy why you drag my Jiminshi in our fight ?

Tae : Your Jimin-shi ??????

Kook (angry shout) : Yes mine. He is my best friend, my hyung, my everything. Don't you dare to threaten him.

Tae(deep voice) : First lower your voice. I'm your professor too . And who told you that I threatened Jimin? And why would I threatening him? (confused)

Kook (angry but didn't shout) : Didn't you said to him that if he didn't send me in your cabin then you will punish him. ?

Tae (pointing his index finger at himself) : Me.... But I didn't..... (looks at Jimin with confused expression. Jimin gave him hint that it's his plan) Ye....yeah... (nervous smile) I said him..... If he didn't send you in my cabin then I will punish him. Right I said..

Kook : How dare you? Why you involved Jimin in this? What you think about yourself?

Tae (to Jimin) : Jimin you may leave.

Kook (stopped Jimin by holding his hand) : No Jimin will not leave. Whatever , you wanna say , you have to say in front of him. He is not a stranger. He already knew about us.

Tae : OK fine. Jimin can you please close the door.

Jimin : Yes Sir.

Kook : Say fast we don't have time to waste. We have to attend next class.

Tae (smile) : But you don't have any class. It's your last lecture.

Kook : I know that. We have other plans for today.

Tae : What plans? I am your Bf. You should make plans with me not him.

Kook : You were my Bf. I already broke up with you. (cute anger)

Tae : What ! When and why? You can't broke up with me.

Kook : And Why I can't? It's my life I have full rights to choose my life partner.

Tae : Yeah you have the rights and you already choose me as your life partner. Don't you remember?

Kook : No , you aren't the person whom I loved?

Tae : I am the same person Kookie. I still love you like before. You are my world.

Kook (cracked voice) : No you are not. You changed. And you want me to change according to you. Nobody loves me expect my Chimmy hyungie.... Everyone wants me to change.......

( Tae came closer to hug him but he pushed him away and hugged Jimin tightly. Tae was hurt by his this behaviour. )

Tae : Please Kook listen to me. I never want you to change. You are perfect for me. I love you.

Jimin (hug him more tightly while creasing his back) : Kookie baby, please don't cry. You are crying since yesterday. If you cry more then you will fall sick. I don't want to see you ill. Please stop crying. You are hyungie's good boy right. You will listen hyungie right......(softly talked to him just like convincing small baby.)

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