Chapter 22: The Invasion

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I had this sinking feeling. An awful, sinking feeling that made my scaly skin crawl. I couldn't sit still and I couldn't shake it off either. The invasion was going to happen soon and we all were on edge about it. Raph and Casey even went out to the surface to keep their eyes out on anything that was to happen and to find Karai's whereabouts.

I was getting better at switching between my two bodies thanks to training with the guys. But as each day passed, it felt like we were getting closer and closer to something bad. I didn't like it.

I caught myself every now and the picking at my own skin and peeling off my scales. I kept muttering to myself in French to calm down but nothing was working. My own mind filled with unwanted thoughts and memories and even worst case scenarios. I didn't know how to stop them. I felt like I was going insane. And still being worried about Karai wasn't helping at all with the added stress and uneasy feeling.


I whipped my head around so fast that it gave me whiplash, but I ignored it. I saw Leo slowly approaching me and I gave out a small hiss to stop him from coming any closer. I wasn't in the right mind so being caught off guard and accidentally lashing out and hurting my brothers was the last thing I wanted to do. Again.

"Whoa, hey, calm down. Everything's ok. No need to get your tail in a twist." He lightly chuckled as if trying to lighten the mood. But I wasn't having it.

"Not funny, Leonardo..." I narrowed my eyes at him before turning my head away from him and went back to scratching at my pale skin and peeling off more scales.

I heard him let out a sigh before he moved to sit down next to me, trying to pull my hands away from my face to spot me from scratching my scales off but I pulled away from him.

"Myra, you're scared. I get that. We all are. But we'll handle it like we always do and we'll send those Kraang back to Dimension X." He tried to reassure me.

"And what if you can't? What if they win thisss round?" I retorted.

"Then we'll come up with a plan like we always do. We save this city and the people for a reason." He stated.

I let out a heavy sigh and hung my head, looking down at the crystal necklace that was around my neck. I held the small jewel in my hand and hugged it close to my chest.

"I wisssh my mom wasss here... to tell me everything will be ok asss well. You're right... I am ssscared. I lossst my mother to the Kraang. Who sssaysss I won't lossse you all the sssame way?... Karai isss already a mutant and ssso am I. Not only that, but April and I are half alien- mutantsss with psssychic powersss. Everything is just ssso... CHAOTIC! I HATE IT!" I ranted before my voice turned into loud shouting, practically freaking out over all of this. It all just felt too much. But giving up wasn't an option. No matter how much I wanted to.

"Hey, calm down. You're getting hysterical again." Leo reached his hand out to ran hold of mine. "I know it's a lot that's happening right now. But no matter what happens just know that we all still have each other. Ok? So, as your leader and older brother, I order you to stop freaking out about everything and see how it all plays out. Keep your head up and stay optimistic."

"That'sss easssier sssaid than done... but, I'll try. I can't promissse anything, though." I sighed.

"That's all I ask. Just keep fighting, alright?" He patted the top of my head like he used to do when we were young before he stood up and walked away, probably to give me my space.

I know I wasn't the only one stressing out about the situation. Even Donnie was overwhelmed, which, isn't a surprise. He overthinks everything. But in this case, I don't blame him.

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