Chapter 7: Slash And Destroy

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For once I was out in the living room area instead of in my room. Not like I had a choice though. Leo practically forced me out of my room saying that this wasn't a healthy habit.

But he never said anything about what I couldn't do. So I had my laptop and headphones out, watching my favorite anime show as I tried to drown out Leo and Mikey's rambling as they played a game on the arcade machine we had down here.

I was just enjoying watching my show as much as I could until the sound of Raph shouting for Mikey's name caused me to groan.

I turned up my volume all the way up to tune out whatever argument they were having this time. I guess it had something to do about his comic book or magazine or whatever it was.

It wasn't until I looked over and saw him set down Spike on a small crate that was near the couch to smack Mikey over the head with his rolled up magazine.

"Boys." I scoffed and mumbled under my breath, ignoring the fuming red clad turtle that walked past me and over towards the punching bag. I closed up my laptop and set it aside on the couch then got up to head over to the kitchen to grab a drink. Ok, another coke. Whatever.

Until I heard slight screaming and what sounded like explosions. I ran back out into the living room to see that another one of Donnie's experiments went wrong again.

"SPIKE!" I heard Raph shout as he ran up to pick up his pet turtle who was about to be hit. Luckily, Raph saved him in time and just as the explosions died down and completely stopped.

This was seriously getting out of hand.

"You ok, Spike? Yeah, you're all good." He smiled at his pet as he stood up but the glared over at the turtle who came walking out the lab.

"Wow. I did not see that coming. Everyone ok?" Donnie asked.

"Are you crazy?! NO! We're not ok!" Raph shouted in his face.

"What happened here?" My father asked just as he walked out the dojo to witness the mess.

"I'll tell you what happened, Master Splinter. Donnie almost blew us up! Again! And worse, he almost blew up Spike!"

"Raph, dude, look I'm really sorry." Donnie apologized.

"Sorry doesn't cut it this time!" He yelled at him and walked into the lab, coming back out with the mutagen canister in hand. "Until the mad scientist gets his act together, I'm holding this for safe keeping."

"Raph, come on, be reasonable. That's my last canister of mutagen!" Donnie stated, but Raph didn't listen and just head over to his room.

"That idiot." I growled under my breath and walked up towards his room. I stopped in front of his door and was about to barge in when I heard him talking.

"Sometimes I wish I was on my own. Doing things my way. I'm tired of this team."

Ok, that's it. I slammed opened the door and slammed it shut, standing in front of him with my arms crossed and glaring eyes.

"What now?" He groaned as he sat up from his bed.

"You realize you're being an idiot."

"Really? How so?" He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Being worried for Spike makes me an idiot now?"

"No. Keeping mutagen in your own room makes you an idiot! You do realize that if something happens and that ooze spills, who knows what could happen!"

"Well, I sure as heck ain't givin' it back to Donnie! What?! Do you wanna keep it?!"

"Heck no!" I shook my head.

"Then why are you even here?" He rolled his eyes once more.

"I heard what you said."

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