Chapter 15: Newtralized

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I was just on my rooftop, mumbling the words to one of Corpse's songs until I was knocked over by a heavy weight. "What the?!-" Turns out that heavy weight also had a shell.

"Ugh! Can I escape the likes of you for just one month?! Seriously!" I yelled as I pushed the red clad turtle off of me who was being followed by Casey.

"Lovely to see you too again. But now's not the time! We're after the Kraang. They have this weird sorta tech they plan to use and whatever it is it can't be good. I have no intentions of running into you anyway." He growled as he picked up his sai that he dropped before jumping over to the next roof along with Casey.

I don't know what compelled me to follow them but I did. If it was the Kraang then I knew I had to stop them.

"The Kraang? Wow, what a surprise." I rolled my eyes as I ran to catch up with them.

Raph didn't even bother to try and pick a fight with me since we were so close on their tails. But once we jumped down and turned a corner we saw the Kraang droids. But they were all busted and sparking as their robotic parts were crushed and split in half.

"What the heck?.." Raph exclaimed in shock. "Who could've done this?" Raph questioned then turned to look at me.

"Don't look at me! I was happily enjoying my time til you showed up." I crossed my arms.

"It gets even worse." Casey said, stepping in between us. "Whoever did this also took the plutonium."

"Plutonium? What would the Kraang want with that?" I muttered to myself.

"I don't know. But whoever it was packed some serious fire power. Let's just hope they're on our side." Raph said.

Though this was a confusing and serious situation, just the view in front of me with the Kraang droids smashed and destroyed to pieces made me smile. "But whoever did it sure has a lovely work of art style."

"...You are messed up in the head you know." Casey said as he gave me a concerned look.

"Well when you see a bunch of robots who made that small amount of time in your life a living nightmare, you tend to not care what happens and just move on." I shrugged and started walking away.

Only, I started getting a strange feeling that we were being watched but just as the feeling came to mind it quickly went away, leaving me confused but I quickly shrugged it off, thinking it was an alley cat or something.

"Hey. Whatever this case is we could use your help." Raph said which made me stop in my tracks.

"My. Help? Since when would you ever need my help?" I scoffed as I crossed my arms.

"You said you get those strange feelings. So maybe we could use your help to track down whoever is stealing from the Kraang." He stated.

"Oh. So now I'm a bloodhound for you to sniff out the criminals?" I glared at him.

"Fine. If you don't wanna help that's just fine with me. I just thought it would give you something to do instead of moving around the rooftops all night but go ahead." He rolled his eyes and waved his arms as he turned around to leave. "Come on, Casey."

I stood there and thought for a moment about what he said. It's true. I've been kinda bored lately. And it would be something for me to distract myself.

"Wait... I'll help. But you go back, discuss this with Leo then text me the plan. You know I'm not going back down the sewers yet." I said, giving him a serious look.

"Works for me." He shrugged then left to head back to the lair with Casey in tow.


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