Chapter 19: Vengeance Is Mine

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We were in the living room as the guys were going over their plans on getting my sister back. However.... things weren't going so smoothly.

"This is the only way it can work, Raph." Leo tried explaining the plan to him.

"Yeah, I get that. Look, I'm on board for the whole rescue Karai thing, But if we're going through the trouble of invading Shredder's lair, we gotta take him down once and for all." Raph stated.

"And we will! I don't care what me or you have to do. I swear I'm getting my sister back!" I shouted determinedly.

"And what if it costs us our lives? We have to be careful and smart about this. We can't just rush in weapons a-blazing. It's too risky." Leo interrupted.

"Hold up, dudes. Why do I have to be the bait while Donnie sits in the Shellraiser?" Mikey asked, completely ignoring everything we've said so far.

"Someone's gotta be the getaway driver." Donnie retorted as I just facepalmed myself.

"Look, everyone is important here!" Leo shouted to try and get everyone on the same page.

"Disagreement about a mission is never a good way to begin. Leonardo, may I speak with you?" Father asked as he walked by, leading Leo over to talk by the dojo doors. "I know you are anxious to free Karai, but a plan that leads to confrontation with the Shredder is doomed to failure."

"Even if we have to face Shredder, isn't it worth it to rescue your own daughter?" Leo asked. They weren't really good at being subtle.

"I am not willing to risk your lives or Miwa's." Father stated firmly then headed back into the dojo.

"Hai, sensei." Leo sighed then walked back over to us.

"So is that a no go on rescuing Karai?" Mikey asked.

"Oh please. Father is wrong. That's my sister in peril and I'm going even if I lose my head. What about you guys?" I asked.

"Let's do this!" Raph smirked confidently.

We all rushed into the Shellraiser and got into our perspective seats besides me. I was standing being the driver's seats keeping a look out on the surveillance cameras.

"Donnie, you monitor from the Shellraiser and give us some cover. Mikey will distract them with his mad skills. While Shredder's henchmen are distracted, Raph and I sneak in through the sewers." Leo went over the plan as he parked in a nearby closed off alleyway to keep the van hidden. We followed through with the plan and easily took down footbots and me, Leo and Raph all headed down to the dungeon of Shredder's lair. Honestly, didn't know he had one.

"Karai! Karai it's us!" I quietly called out as we looked past the empty cells.

"Myra?" I heard her voice and instantly ran over to where she was being held prisoner.

"Karai! Thank goodness! We found you! Wait, you're a not a fake robot with a bomb for a head this time right?" I asked suspiciously as I reached through the bars to grab her wrist which felt like human skin. I sighed in relief when I realized she wasn't a robot but frowned at how thin and cold she felt. "Don't worry sis, we're gonna get you out of here. I promise."

"Took you long enough. But.... thanks." She lightly smiled which I smiled back at. It was a relief to see she's still standing and breathing.

"Sorry for the wait. But we got tired of waiting for you to escape on your own." Leo smirked, trying to flirt with her. I just turned and gave him a 'really' look as if to ask if now was the time.

"Is this a rescue or a romantic comedy? Come on!" Raph waved his arm as I used my tessens to break the lock off the cell.

"Just keep an eye out for the foot and Shredder." I said and grabbed her arm. "But first." I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tightly. "I missed you so much." I smiled happily as she tensed but hesitantly hugged back.

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