Chapter 3: Follow The Leader

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We were currently in the back of an alleyway, checking through old boxes and anything in sight for more mutagen canisters while Donnie used the tracker device to try and locate any nearby canisters.

"Find anything?" Leo asked us.

"No." Everyone responded but me.

"Myra?" He asked, calling my name specifically when I didn't answer.

"Don't talk to me." I quietly sighed as I rolled my eyes.

"Come on. You can't stay mad at us forever. How many times have we apologized and said that it was an accident?" Raph asked in an irritated tone.

"Once you guys figure out how to fix everything you caused. The only reason I'm here helping you search for mutagen in the first place is because I want to help repay Mr. O'Neil for saving me." I stated as I kept searching.

"Ok. I get it. And we promise that we'll try and find a way to cure him." Leo said.

"I'm not the one you need to make that promise to." I stated as I turned back to glare at him then continued looking around

"No sign of mutagen canisters over here." Mikey said, poking his head out of a dumpster. "But you know what else I found? And iguana wearing a top hat! How cool is that?!" Mikey asked excitedly as he shoved the old stuffed animal in front of Leo's face, causing him to back up.

"You realize that could be a distant cousin. And he's stuffed with sawdust." Raph pointed out.

"Ugh! Sick!" Mikey exclaimed as he threw the stuffed animal to ground.

"Quiet, guys. My ooze scanner is going haywire. I knew there was mutagen nearby." Donnie said, caring our attention.

"Eh, you're scanner is as useless as a trench coat on a turtle." Raph rolled his eyes.

"Give him a chance Raph. After all, it is our fault those canisters are out there all over the city." Leo stated.

"This way!" Donnie called out as he climbed up to the roof of a building with us following behind.

"Found it!" Mikey shouted as he ran up to retrieve the full mutagen canister. At least no wild animal or random person managed to find before we did like last time.

"How many does that lead us to?" Leo asked, looking over at his purple bandana brother.

"One. And a half." He stated, making all of us groan.

"I wanna kill y'all!" I shouted as I pulled at my hair.

"But look on the bright side. Only 63 more to go." He said, trying to make the whole situation seem more optimistic. But failed.

"Whatever." I shook my head and walked over to look down from the ledge, taking in the cold air of the night sky. But as I stood there, I couldn't help but felt like we were being watch. Not sure by who, but I know my senses are usually right.

Ignoring that fact though, we turned back around and headed back to the lair to put up our first retrieved canisters before we headed back out to search the city once more.

It's been the same routine for days now.


"Ugh. We've been searching for days now dudes. This is so boring, I'm gonna scream!" Mikey complained as he let out a series of small yells before the other finally shut him up.

"Ok, I get it. Afterwards, we'll take a little break and do something fun." Leo stated to which everyone cheered at. "Training session! Yes!" He cheered as everyone else groaned. "Guys, Sensei wants me to train and that's exactly what I'm gonna do."

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