Chapter 21: Dimension X

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Days have passed and it still feels like time hasn't passed for me. I feel like I've gained some control over my new mutant self but I still didn't know how to deal with the new senses I've developed. That, and learning how to use my new morphed body wasn't easy.

I haven't eaten at all for a while since I was refusing to. I'm a snake... yet I don't want to eat the prey of a serpent. And I don't know how to change back yet to eat normal food. Or if I can change back at all.

I was still being kept inside my glass enclosure in Donnie's lab as I watched my genius brother furiously typing away at his computer with a concentrated look on his face. At times he would groan in frustration and even bang his head and hands on the keyboard. Usually I would try to help like the sweet sister I am but I don't know if I am anymore. I don't know what I am now.

I just let out a hiss of a sigh as I felt bored and didn't know what to do. The enclosure wasn't big enough for me to even more around much and I honestly felt like I was just some sort of mutant pet. I hated it.

My moods were out of control as well. It's like at times the mutagen that's flowing through my system is messing with my head, causing me to act out like the wild animal that I'm supposed to be. Luckily I have my brothers and my father here with me. But it's not enough.

I wanna be normal again! I want to be able to speak again! I want to hold my tessens again! I wanna be able to sleep in my room. But most of all, I want my sister. Where is she? From what I heard by my brothers talking, when Karai got mutated she just ran away. But why? Is her mind more animalistic and feral than mine? She probably can't think straight at all. My poor sister...

I closed my eyes as I thought back on the sweet but short memories I had with her. I was hoping I would have much longer before anything were to drastically happen to our lives. But no... Shredder just had to take it away!

The thoughts turned more angry and upsetting, causing me to become enraged and I started to lash out again. I shrieked and hissed as I banged my snake like arms against the glass.

My sudden distress and anger seemed to capture Donnie's attention as he came rushing up to my enclosure. "Myra! Myra, stop! Calm down. It'll be ok." He tried to reassure me.

I just whipped my head over and hissed at him, baring my long sharp fangs at him in anger. But I didn't mean to do that. My realization seemed to hit me when I saw his expression turn into a fearful one. That got me to stop and calm down a little. But I turned to face away from him, covering my face with my scaly arms as if you hide myself from shame. I wanted to cry.

"Myra, it's ok. I promise, I'll do everything I can to get you back to normal. But know that whether you're a mutant or not, you'll always be my little sister." I removed my arms and slowly faced, seeing him give me a sad smile as he placed his hand over the glass.

Donnie... how I just wanted to hug him. I've been lacking human interactions for days now and I desperately needed it. I reached my own hand out and placed it on the glass over where his hand was, as if telling him that I understood.

His words hit me deeply. Even though I'm not human... I'm no different than I am now to them? But why?... Maybe.. because they feel the same way I do. Mutants or not, they're family. Even if we're not biologically related.

All those memories when we were kids. From children up to now, we've always been family. We've had our many bumps and cracks throughout the years but we always managed to fix them. No matter how long it took. That... gave me at least a slither of hope. Shoot... I just made a snake pun. God dang it!

I suddenly was snapped out of my deep trance when I felt something start to change. I felt a weird sensation in my arm and when I looked down I saw that my glistening silver scales started to disappear and my snake headed hand were turning back into my normal hands. I felt the same sensation happening on my other arm and it too returned back to normal.

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