On the other end of the phone was the police officer who had taken their statement. "Christopher Bang?"

"Speaking." Chan's clipped tone let the officer know he had little time.

"Sorry for the early call but I wanted to let you know that we caught Mr. Lee's assailant. He told us you were to be our contact when we interviewed him yesterday. We are holding Jacob Weiss and he will not get out pending trial. We also found the records of Mr. Lee contacting us trying to seek protection against his attacker as well as statements by several witnesses. I just wanted to let you know. If he were to get out for any reason, Mr. Lee would be granted a protective order immediately."

"You caught him? He has been arrested?" His mind reeling from all the sudden news in such a short period of time, Chan was struggling to keep up.

"Yes sir. He is in our holding cell awaiting transfer."

"Thank God." Chan breathed a sigh of relief. At least they wouldn't have to worry about him popping back in. Then he thought about how much Binnie would have loved to tear him apart. "Can I talk to him?" He asked suddenly.

"I can't let you in with him but yes you can come talk to him. He isn't saying much though." The officer said.

"He doesn't need to say anything. I just want to tell him what he lost."

The officer's voice turned sympathetic. "I completely understand. Get here before noon though. He will be transferred at some point after that so I can't guarantee anything after then.."

"Done. I will come now." Chan hung up and turned to grab his wallet and room keys only to realize Jisung was still in the room and was staring at him.

"They caught him?" Jisung asked. "Like caught caught? He is locked up caught?"

"Yes. He can't hurt Lix anymore and I'm going to go tell him that Lix will never think of him again. Get everyone to the hospital and I will be there soon."

Jisung's mouth dropped open. "You aren't going alone hyung."

"Yes. I am."

"You can't!"

"Sungie, get to the hospital. I will be there soon." He touched the younger man's shoulder. "I need you to handle this. You and Minho just get everyone there."

Jisung looked like he was going to argue as Chan pulled on his boots but then his face cleared. "Ok, hyung." He agreed too easily but Chan didn't have time to question it. He headed out and grabbed one of the bodyguards to accompany him. Chan waited for the elevator, his toes tapping his impatience. Finally it arrived and he got in. The doors began closing and a hand slapped between them, forcing them to reopen. Chan looked up and saw Minho with his head cocked looking at him and Chan suddenly realized what Jisung's agreement had meant. "No Min." Chan said.

Minho cocked his head further and gave the death stare that made so many quake in their boots. "You can either go with me or not at all." He said. "I'm going either way. He attacked one of us and you know better than to stop me from doing something about that." He moved into the elevator not giving Chan a chance to refuse. Chan stared at him wanting to argue but knowing he wasn't going to change their dance leader's mind. He caught the smile on the bodyguard's face as well. They all knew Minho was not the man to cross. Chan might have a temper sometimes and can be protective but he is nothing next to a pissed off Minho. Cross one of his kids and Minho would rain the wrath of the Zeus down on you. Chan couldn't deny he loved that about Min. Chan was never the one people had to worry about pissing off. Minho was. And it appeared his second in command had accepted Felix as one of the kids.

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