37. Plan in action

Start from the beginning

Pansy and Astoria came up and hugged us goodbye. Ezra seemed to have something to tell Astoria and the two shared a private conversation a bit far from the rest of us. Astoria was healing but was far from back to normal. Apparently Jess and Marcus had said their goodbyes to Draco and Enzo before hand.

They left and we waited till it was five minutes to midnight.

And finally after sharing one last look, we transformed and left.

We didn't plan on flying all the way, that would be way too difficult. We had planned to stop in a secret area where we wouldn't be seen and we'd aparate to hogsmede from there.

We finally reached the stop after almost an hour of flight. We landed at the same place. But at different times as we had decided it would be safer to travel separately to not raise suspicions.

I arrived and then found Eliana and Marcus already there, we were soon joined with Jess and Ezra.

We decided to take a break as we were already tired from flying and apparating in this state won't be safe taking that Eliana was the only one perfectly skilled at apparation. The rest of us could, but had a lot of room for improvement.

We sat around for half an hour, trying to spark conversation, talking about our strategy, laughing, talking about old memories, parties and more. It was nice to feel normal again after so long of feeling lifeless and distant. It felt like old times, times we were free teenagers, living without feeling for our lives and the people we care about.

After we felt better, we all joined hands and looked at Eliana, was it safe for five people to aparate all at once? No, but taking in our circumstances, and the possibilities of something going wrong, it was the safest.

We apparated to hogsmeade and felt like throwing up, but we were finally here. We decided to stay here till morning, then we'd work on getting inside.

Time Skip - one month

It had been around a month since that night, we had spent the night in hogsmeade then sneaked into hogwarts the next day and after some convincing, they finally believed us, we had to stay hidden in hogwarts for a while, but then Harry Potter arrived and freed the school but we were far from freedom.

I had sent my letters to my manor but I couldn't take Lucia yet, but I planned on very soon. I kept my pendant in my pocket, I grew quite obsessive over it, I couldn't stand it being a meter away from me, as if it were the hood I had left. I always had it on me.

War is coming and it's probably going to be in a few  hours, currently the school is in havoc, we're trying to gather students for separate purposes.

This is it. War is coming. The war which will define the next chapters of our lives, and if we'll have them.

Mattheo's POV:




Only words that spun around in my head.

A couple more hours and it all goes to shit.

I've convinced myself I have to move on, for her sake at least, but I'd be lying if I say I made progress, any at all. It's gotten to the point where dreaming about her has become a regular occurrence, as if she's alive, I've tried telling myself maybe she is, maybe I didn't get her letter or maybe she didn't get mine, but the more I try, the more it seems I'm lingering on false hope.

They found out a week after they left, that they were gone. All their families said they weren't responsible and left them at my father's mercy, like he has any.

War is just a couple hours away.

I've been called to my father's meeting room for a private discussion. I wonder that shit he wants done this time.

I knocked on the door and I heard a faint "come in"  and entered.

"You wished to see me, my lord?" I bowed down.

"Yes, Mattheo, I have a task for you, are you willing?"

Like you care, I'll have to do it anyway.

"Yes my lord."

"Excellent. Your task shall be, to kill Lyra Nightshade."


I re read the book a couple times and it's all over the place, I wanna start editing already, I wanna change several things, even some major things.

Anyways, we're already here yay.


Masked Love  -Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now