CHAPTER 50| Alone.

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MY HEAD is pounding. Everything around me is dark and it hurts to move. I don't think my eyes are even open.

My attempt to sit up is instantly stopped because my back stings. My hands still burn, and I'm pretty sure I still have glass in them. My throat is sore, though I don't say anything so they don't know I'm awake.

"So the girl is in the back, yes?" Someone speaks. My eyes widen at the familiarity of the voice.

I just can't seem to identify them―

"Sì, capo."

In Italian, I think that means 'yes boss.' So, familiar and Italian.. someone I know..

At this point, it wouldn't suprise me if it was one of my brothers. They already hurt me beyond a point I didn't think could be achieved. They should get a fucking golden trophy.

Fucking hell, my lip is busted and I feel like my cheek is literally on fire. Blood probably coats my teeth and tongue- it's all I taste right now. Everything hurts.

"Cosa dovremmo fare con lei, capo?" The man says and wheels turn in my brain.

(What should we do with her, boss?)

"Why are you speaking Italian? You're not at the Italian's estate anymore," His 'capo' speaks up, chuckling slightly.

Fuck, I think I recognize both their voices. My head is in too much pain to think straight―

"Yes, sorry, boss."

And, it clicks.

That guy that came in the office the day our DNA results came. Fake Italian accent and a little rusty on his fluency. He's him.

Why was he pretnding to have an Italian accent? Why is he in the same vehicle as I am? Boss? Who the fuck kidnapped me?? Why does everyone's voice seem so similar? And what did the 'boss' mean by 'not at the Italian's estate anymore'?

There's a chance he could've been talking about my brother's estate.

The vehicle is moving really fast right now, taking violent turns and probably switching lanes dangerously. The trunk I've been shoved in is small and can very barely contain my thoughts.

And this is all my fault.

I'm going to live (or maybe not..) knowing that I missed 14+ years of my life on being somewhere I'm not supposed to be. With people I'm not supposed to be with.

Oh my God, I might die.

I'm going to fucking die, alone.

Then, it all hits me.

I'm in a supposed car trunk.. with Giovanni's staff,  a car that's going deathly over the speed limit. I don't know where I am, if I'm going to survive, ever see the light of day again and I don't have a clue of their intentions.

I'm going to fucking die with my brothers hatred.

I might never see Elliott again..

And it's all my fucking fault.

I cup my mouth as a sob escapes. Then, another one. Tears run down my face and I find it harder to breath. I double over and squeeze my eyes shut, ignoring the burning pain that comes from my stomach, trying to be as quiet as I possibly can. My head spins and everything goes dizzy. I feel my lungs get smaller and smaller. At first, I take small gasps of air, but I can't help but greedily need more.

"Sounds like the princess is awake," The 'boss' says, in a humorous tone. "let's pay her a visit, shall we?"

There's no response.

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