CHAPTER 27| Therapy?

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SUSPENSION IS boring. Not having a reason to go outside is also boring. So, what do people do when they're bored? Well, I've not been around many people in my life until these few months.. so quick rephrase: What do I do when I'm bored?

I used to sneak out when Stefano was passed out.. I'd go to the library and study to make up for the time I hadn't got clear education; I really wanted to have my own business. Something to do with cars, security, electricity and those kind of aspects.

Once, I promised Mary I'd go out there and build the biggest company ever, and she'd be by my side. Maybe I won't be able to see her physically, but she'll still be there with me. Standing by my side when I do fulfill the promise, after all, I'm not one to go against my words. 

Y'know, I could sneak out right now.. I've seen a cliff around here, it'd be just about a 10 minute walk from now.. It's been a while since I've sneaked out, and its been a longer while since I've sneaked out to a cliff.

Fuck it, why not?

Yesterday, when we came home, Giovanni was pretty mad, like you could practically see anger emitting from him. Elijah quickly came and guided me upstairs when Giovanni ranted about something, I think he said 'I was in an important meeting about we-' I couldn't make out the rest. Whatever they're hiding, it just makes me more.. wary about this choice to trust them. Seeing Giovanni that mad about something.. that seems to happen a lot makes me think he's going to become something like Stefano, but then again, he was one of the first people to comfort me when Elijah told them about my.. unfortunate past. A real big softie inside, it could all be an act though, couldn't it?

This whole- sneaking out idea could just make him more angry and stressed- then maybe, he'd-

Okay.. right now, I'll push those thoughts to the back of my head and proceed with this amazing idea.

I jump up from my position and rush into my closet. I glance around for a casual outfit, a pair of cargo jeans and a white long-sleeved turtleneck catching my attention. I grab Dior glasses and a star necklace. Real casual. I just need to blend in, try not to get caught by anyone. I doubt I will though, it's not like they can track me down or anything. 

Sprinting back to my room, I quickly check the time. 


Oh shit.. I'm definitely getting kidnapped. Who even goes to a cliff at 5AM? This is so damn stupid.

Okay.. I'm on the second floor and I have a newly-discovered balcony so I think if I jump, I'll just about make it without breaking any limbs.

I take a deep breath and slowly meander over to the balcony.

I look down and gulp. Fuck.

This isn't anything new, it's just that it's kinda been a bit since I've done anything like this. Like, I don't know, 4 months?

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