CHAPTER 19| Panic.

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Beams of sweat form on my forehead.

It's taking a lot to be at this stupid fucking dining room right now.

And it's also taking a hell of a lot holding my tears.

How could I be so stupid, careless?

I knew this would happen.

I shouldn't have let my guard down.

Now he knows, he knows all about my shitty past, how I was abused.

About how I'm not perfect.

How I've seen that side of people at 15.

"Sta bene?" Someone says, voice drowned and in a foreign language.


No one was meant to know.

"AZALEA!" Giovanni shouts, making me flinch.

I swiftly wipe the sweat and the split tears with the back of my sleeve.

I look up and smile.

"We were calling your name for like five minutes? Are you okay?" Adain asks, concerned.

I now realize that everyone looks concerned.

Except Elijah, he gives my a knowing look with a small smile.

I harshly glare at him, he doesn't know anything.

He can't.

I nod dismissively, not trusting my words right now.

Everyone returns back to their food.

I look down, tears falling into my hands.

Abruptly, I stand up.

I'm going to regret this later..

"Can I be dismissed?" I ask, more in a commanding tone.


"Yes, you may go, Azalea." Elijah cuts Giovanni off.

He glares at Elijah, but backing down after a few seconds.

I quickly run up the stairs, tears falling uncontrollably.

I run into my room, locking the door and curling up into a ball.

I lean on the wall, crying.

How did he find out?

How could I be so careless, so gullible?

Her Arrivalحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن