CHAPTER 25| Done.

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I LOWER my head into my hands.

Dragging a long, dramatic sigh, I quietly collapse onto my wooden desk. A purple book is handed to me.

I groan, massaging my temples.

I glance up again, pure disappointment washing over my expression. My eyes glimmer in hope as I watch the fading figure walk away, only to be met with the familiar feeling of dread rush back to me.

The teacher, one I don't know of, hovers over my head, angrily glaring at me.

I blankly stare back at them, clearly indicating, I do not give one shit.

They aggressive slam a laminated red card on my table.

This, peaks my interest. I hesitantly pick up the card and read the bold, black text; 'lunchtime detention'

"Today. I'm disappointed in you, Azalea. It's only your second day being here." She says, almost.. smirking?

I scoff and push it forward, not acknowledging it. It's the last thing on my mind right now, and I'm already so done with this.

She's telling me I have to write a non-fiction 3 page story, but I barely even know what non-fiction is anyway.

Someone beside me taps my shoulder.

My eyes widen for a split second, I quickly straighten up and face them.

Surprised my eyes haven't fallen out yet.

"Hi, sorry to.. you know, disturb you, but do you know what non-fiction is?" A boy behind me asks. His cheeks tinge a light shade of pink, and he has small freckles scattered everywhere.

This is really suspicious..

"Oh, no, I'm sorry I have no clue what that is," I lie, not wanting to engage in any traps. Not to mention I have a killer headache right now.

"That's okay, do you want to be friends? You seem pretty nice."

What? He what? you know-, he'll probably just.. I don't know, go behind my back within 2 weeks. Or maybe, he just wants to be a friend cause the Lauriers have money, loaads of money.

Say no, Azalea.

"Oh okay, sure.."

What the fuck?

"So, my name is Matteo, what about you?" He introduces himself with a brightening beam.

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