CHAPTER 16| School.

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We arrive at school in no time, but the thought still lingers in my mind.

I decide I'll push it aside and worry about it later.

Later later.

Wait, where is everyone?

"We're late, somehow Nicholas and Aidan got here before us." Elliott observes.

I nod.

It's cause I wasn't speeding, I'm way better than Nich.

I walk over to the front desk to get my timetable.

"Hello, can I have my schedule?" I politely ask.

She looks up, a bit startled - probably at the sudden noise.

She smiles and immediately retrieves it and hands it to me.

I thank her and walk back to Elliott.

"What's your first class?" He asks, smiling.

"Uhm, math."

"Aw, dang it, you're not with me or any of our brothers for the period."


"I-I think I'll be okay?" I tell him, mainly reassuring myself.

But I think it's pretty obvious that I'm visibly panicking.

"It's fine, Mrs. Smith is super nice, and she doesn't give detentions." He quickly says, seeing my panic.

Okay.. super nice and no detentions.. I'll be perfectly fine.

"I wasn't worried in the first place," I calmly reply, masking up any fear or discomfort.

He narrows his eyes at me, giving me a 'sure you weren't look' before nodding at me in dismissal and making his way to his own class.

"I don't know where my class is!" I whisper-shout, not wanting to disturb the receptionist there.

"Oh, right. It's over there," He informs me, pointing to the white wooden door beside me.

I nod and wave at him.

He waves back at me and takes that as a pass to continue going.

I take a deep breath, preparing myself for whatever was about to happen next.

I open the door, alerting everyone I'm there.

Their heads whip in my direction, and suddenly I feel really anxious.

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