CHAPTER 18| Does he know?

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Mentions of ED

I audibly yawn, ascending from my mattress.

For the first time in this month, I've gotten sleep.

Sleep that's lasted for more than 5 hours, and the best part is, I didn't have anything haunting me, nothing after me.

Just a well awaited dreamless sleep.

I visibly smile at the newly introduced feeling of energy and satisfaction.

It doesn't count that I used sleeping pills, right?

Not enough to overdose, of course.

I'm not suicidal.


I excitedly hop off my bed and skip towards the bathroom, with a large grin on my face.

It feels so good having energy to do things, being carefree.

Without being high, obviously.

I grab my toothbrush from the side of my sink, squirt a reasonable amount of toothpaste on it and start brushing.

I walk into my walk-in closet and look for a comfortable outfit, preferably one that covers my bruises and scars.

Speaking of which, my bruises are healing, not-so-fast but still getting the task completed, over time.

And my scars.

The shallow ones are slowly closing up, but the deep ones.

No progress whatsoever, making me wonder if I'll ever eventually be able to wear short-sleeved shit without being so.. insecure of them.

I sigh, harshly pushing the invading thoughts to the back of my mind and focusing on the present better things.

I firstly grab some new underwear, then pick out a skirt and a slightly oversized sweatshirt, with slightly transparent tights.

I strip out of my clothes and avoid the mirror on my left, that seems to be desperately calling me.

After dressing, I quietly walk towards the mirror.

I frown at my appearance.

Dark eyebags underneath my eye and a scar across my cheek, a healing one I've been covering with concealer.

I apply minimal make-up, not wanted to overdo, also covering the intense eyebags under my eyes that seem to be expanding over time.

I plaster a small smile on my face and walk towards my nightstand.

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