CHAPTER 8| Shopping.

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I shoot up, breathing heavily.

Once again, another nightmare. I wonder how long this will go on for, how long I'll have this constant feeling that someone is out there to get me.

I regulate my breathing before reaching for my watch that is on my nightstand.

It's 4:35.

Well, that's better than yesterday, and at least I got 3 hours of sleep, good enough to me.

Even though Stefano never brought me anything, I made sure I had enough money to buy me a few change of clothes.

I change out of my silk pjs and wear some joggers and a sweatshirt.

Then, I walk up to my door, open it a little and look left and right to see if someone was there.

No one is.

I walk back into my room, lock the door and take out my journal.

But just as I'm doing that, someone comes knocking on the door.

"Azalea, you awake?" A voice that I recognise as Elijah's asks.

"Yeah, hold on, I'm coming." I say, quickly shoving the book under my pillow and then unlocking the door.

"What's up?" I ask, trying not to seem suspicious.

"Nothing much, it's just, Aidan told me about you playing the piano yesterday and I realised how much I didn't know about you so I wanted to catch up," he explains.

"Sure, I don't mind that." I reply, slightly smiling at the fact someone actually wants to 'get to know me'.

I sit down at the edge of my bed and he sits down with me.

"So.. how was life with your mum and dad?"

I tense a little and he clearly notices.

"Oh, Mary was nice but dad was always busy at work,"

"I didn't know you guys were doing first names," he says, narrowing his eyes at me.

"Oh, it's just, Mary died a while ago and I don't like calling.. dead people my parents, especially because she's not my actual parent." I say, quickly making an excuse.

"That's fair I guess,they treated you well, right?"

"..  O-of course, why would they?" I reply, hesitating.

I nervously laugh and change the subject.

"Well, how are your brothers?"

"You mean our brothers, and they're pretty nice to live with when they're not being annoying. But don't let Nicholas' ignorance affect you, he's like that with everyone, no one really knows why. We've tried talking to him, but he just brushes it off."

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