CHAPTER 43| Lurking.

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HE TOOK our most prized possessions― well, not mine. Mostly Elliott's most prized possession. Confiscated our phones and grounded us, also made us do chores for a week. To me, it really isn't that bad. Basically an everyday thing back in London, nothing new, really. However, for Elliott, the world seemed to be coming to an abrupt end. One second without hearing complaining from his mouth would be equivalent to 10 hours in Heaven, 1,000 hours in Miami. For both sides, they apply more to me since my brothers are probably used to his whining. And, they could probably afford 1,001 hours in Miami. Might leave quite a big dent in the bank but they could still afford it.

To be honest, with how mad and over-exaggerating Giovanni was back in his office, I seriously thought he'd ship us off to a boarding school, or lock us up in the deepest depths of his hidden dungeons. Make us fight a tiger― dragon even with our fists.. Lock us in a room surrounded by 10 Tsar Bombas and give us a minute to try and deactivate all of them, 30 seconds if he's real mad. Skin us alive, throw us in lava, wack us with an anvil.. repeatedly.

Really, and I say he was over-exaggerating.

We're not getting our phones until next week. So, that means no using it in class. Also takes away the luxury privilege of being able to drown yourself in music rather than listening to someone's decaying nan ramble on about how sex is bad and it gives us STDs― or about how under 18s shouldn't be vaping. Then about how we shouldn't be drinking monster because it's bad. All stuff I could care less about.

There are things I do care about though, main subjects like Maths, English, Science and the others. Since I was a little girl, I'd always dreamed of getting perfect scores and going off to get so many diplomas. Major in Business and start a company from the scraps I'd pick up. Mum and Dad standing side by side though― encouraging, empowering and inspiriting.

Times have changed though because I would definitely not want Stefano anywhere next to me while my life is booming and Mary. Well, Mary is.. physically unable to come. Maybe spiritually though?

I'm supposed to be picking out an outfit― I'm supposed to be grounded. Both things I'm meant to be and not. Whatever though. Anyway, as much as I wish I have to pick out an outfit for different circumstances, it's only because Giovanni needs to do something with our brothers (his favorite ones of course, Nicholas, Elijah, Aidan) and apparently we can't be trusted home alone.

As if we'd do anything.

With an eye-roll, I raise myself from the cold comfort of my marble floor. Pace around my room for a minute, quite literally stressing because I'm not sure what to wear.

He didn't really specify if we should wear formal stuff or informal, fancy or not fancy, presentable or not presentable. Basically just came in here, muttered a quick, "Get dressed in 2 hours." 1 hour, 30 minutes ago and left. He holds grudges, gosh.

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