CHAPTER 3 | Mary.

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My leg is bouncing uncontrollably.

What is even happening? It's all been a hasty blur.

One minute, I find out that my 'father' is dead, the other I find out that I was fucking kidnapped by my 'parents', and now, I'm here, sitting in some stranger's car, and that stranger just-so-happens to be my brother that I had no idea about until about an hour ago.

Within a day, my life has done a whole 180, and now I'm just expected to adjust to a completely new life.

But I won't lie and say I'm not excited, right now I'm filled with both anticipation and anxiousness. I hope they aren't bad, I really just want a change from what happened previously.

"Azalea?" A voice asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.


"We're here," Giovanni replies, his face still stone cold.

I nod and make my way out of the car.

My eyes widen; my jaw drops in shock as I admire the beauty that stands right infront of me.

"A-are we in the right place?"

He chuckles saying, "Yeah, Azalea, we are in the right place."

I gather myself together and give a nod in unserstandment whilst still drooling over the private jet.

"I'm going to call you Lea, is that okay?"

"Sure, it's fine." I reply, mentally smiling a little since no one has ever given me a nickname before.

Maybe that's cause I never had friends, but whatever.

"Hi Azalea, I'm your second oldest brother, Elijah," a voice from behind me said, making me jump slightly.

I whip around and see a tall guy hovering over me with a small smile.

His aura screamed 'power' and 'dominance' but he didn't seem like that.

He seemed caring and nice, infact, it was like that for both of them but more this guy, the guy who introduced himself as 'Elijah'.

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