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Marshall came home from LA and said he would come by to talk about his trip and about us, after what I'm about to do then there will be no us. Marshall will never forgive me for signing over custody of Logan to Rodger because he negotiated a deal I was in no position to turn down. He's gonna be furious with me because, from the beginning of fighting for my little brother, Marshall did everything he could to help me win the case so now I've lost without putting up a fight, he's just gonna walk away from me and never ever want to hear from me anymore because he knows Rodger is a piece of shit.

I'm waiting for Rodger to come by my apartment with the custody papers. Logan is at school and I think tonight or tomorrow I'm saying goodbye to him and then I'm off to college. I applied to study journalism at Michigan State University, Rodger has to pay my tuition fee for me to begin. I hear a knock on the door "Come in" I can't be bothered to open the door for Rodger because then I'll have to face him and see that disgusting smirk that says he's won. Rodger opens the door and closes it. He walks over to me in the kitchen with his brief case "How's your afternoon going? Have you looked at any colleges you want to attend?" He asks me as he lays his brief case down on the dining table and opens it "I have, I applied to study Journalism at Michigan State University" I tell him and he looks up at me, and furrows his brow "Do you have the grades to study at MSU?" He asks me as he pulls out a few papers

"I do, as a matter of fact, I was on top of all of my classes with the highest GPA but I couldn't afford to go to college" I arch my brow "Well now you do" He nods and puts his brief case down on the floor "The custody papers" He slides over the papers to me "I marked X's where you have to sign" Rodger passes me over a pen as I look through the three custody papers. I can't believe this is actually happening, I so hoped it was all some big nightmare that when I woke up none of this would happen. I'm on the verge of losing my brother. I feel my eyes burning with tears building up as I take the pen and begin to sign the custody papers, making it official that Logan will be raised by Rodger while I'm off to college "Done" I drop the pen and pass the papers over to Rodger.

He picks them up and inspects them one by one "Great, have his things packed up, I'm coming over tonight" Rodger nods "Tonight?" I ask him shocked "Is that a problem?" Rodger asks me with a sly smirk "I wanted to spend one more night with him" I let a few tears stream down my cheek "My kids are staying over this week and are eager to spend more time with him" Rodger says "All you gotta do is forward me the email from your college and pack his things" Rodger walks to my living room and picks up my eviction letter "I'll take care of this" He tells me before he leaves my place "I'm coming by at 5pm sharp so he better be ready" Rodger opens the door and leaves my apartment.

Once he leaves I have a mental breakdown, I can't seem to process what just happened. I honestly thought I would have one more day with Logan but I don't even get any extra day with him. Rodger is so selfish and heartless. I get up from my dining table and walk over to my desk, I log in to my email. I notice an email from MSU and I click on it. I read through the email which makes me smile from ear to ear. I've been accepted after they reviewed my application and checked my GPA. I forwarded the email to Rodger and logged out of my emails.


I hear a knock on my door and I open it "Yo" Marshall stands outside of my apartment with his hands shoved in his sweatpants pocket "Come in" I step aside for him to enter my apartment. It feels awkward between us, it's like we don't even know how to be in the same room as each other and I hate it because before we started dating we were really close friends and now it's just..... awkward "I heard you and Kim made up" Marshall says as he plops down on my couch, I sit next to him "Yeah we made up in the hospital" I tell him "I'm sorry I wasn't there when you woke up, I was in LA working with Dr Dre" I notice how different Marshall looks now. His hair is bleach blonde and he has his ears pierced "Tell me all about your trip" I smile "It was dope man, I worked on a few tracks with Dr Dre for my upcoming album The Slim Shady LP, and got so fucking drunk that I dyed my hair bleach blonde and Dr Dre was like "Now that motherfucker is Slim Shady"" Marshall chuckles "Sounds like you had fun" I smile "Yeah man I did, wish you'd came with me but you overdosed" Marshall sighs

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