Nicoles 21st Birthday

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Wednesday 15th October 1997

As I'm sound asleep, I hear my bedroom door open "Shhh" I hear Marshall whisper and I hear a giggle. I hear the door close and I hear footsteps growing closer to my bed. I feel a light pressure on my bed and I now feel a little body on top of me. Quickly, I wrap my arms around Logan and he laughs, I open my eyes and I see Marshall hold a tray with my breakfast with a big smile "Happy Birthday Nicole" Logan smiles at me as I sit up "What is all of this?" I ask giggling "You're the Birthday Queen and the Queen gets breakfast in bed" Marshall smiles at me and Logan moves out of the way. Marshall places the tray on my lap and I yawn, I take a look at the breakfast, Marshalls made me french toast, sliced strawberries and blue berries with a glass of orange juice "You like it Nicole, Marshall didn't help me cook breakfast" Logan smiles and Marshall gasps

"Excuse me but I did all the work, all you did was watch me" Marshall sounds so dramatic that's making me laugh "Yeah yeah" Logan rolls his eyes at him "You're gonna pay for this little man" Logan laughs at Marshall "I'm not afraid of you" Logan smirks at Marshall "You guys" I laugh at the both of them "Sit with us" I smile at Marshall and he sits down on the edge of my bed. I pass them both a toast and strawberry and a few blueberries. I couldn't possibly eat all of this myself without sharing them with my two little boys. After we had breakfast, Marshall puts the tray and the dirty dishes in the sink. He comes back to my bedroom "Lay with us" I smile at Marshall as I'm cuddling with Logan, he walks to the side of my bed and lays down. Logan is sandwiched between me and Marshall, I rarely get to do this and when I do, I love taking in the moment and making memories with my two boys "What does the Queen want to do today?" Marshall asks me with a smile, he kisses my forehead

"Nothing, this right here is perfect for me" I smile at Marshall and Logan "Are you sure?" Marshall asks me furrowing his brows "I'm positive" I smile "The boys, Nathan, Hailie, Alaina, and Lizzie are coming over in the evening to celebrate your birthday" Marshall smiles "That's so sweet but you didn't have to do all of that" I kiss his cheek "Sure I do, it's your 21st birthday and I want to make it special for you" I'm falling more and more in love with him "I gotta call up Doodie to pick up your cake at 5pm" Marshall gets out of bed and exits my room. I cuddle with Logan as he's fast asleep on my chest, this little boy loves to sleep. I kept him home from school since I wanted to celebrate my birthday with Logan as this will be my first time celebrating my birthday with my baby brother since mom didn't want him to. My mom didn't like the idea of us bonding like brothers and sisters do. I receive messages from my aunt and uncle wishing me a happy birthday, even from my cousins.


Marshall and Logan kicked me out of my apartment for the day because, well, I don't really know why, they just told me to get out and Marshall practically shoved me outside the door. I've been driving around Michigan and stopped to have coffee at a local coffee shop. So far my day has been pretty boring but I did shop for myself and bought a cute outfit and an expensive pair of heels, then I had lunch which was three slices of pizza. I wanted to spoil myself since it's my birthday and usually, I don't really spoil myself. Marshall's birthday is two days away so I brought him an outfit, a black Nike cap, Nike Air Max 90 in black, and a watch.

I'm gonna wrap them up tomorrow so tonight I need to make sure I hide them really well when I'm showing Marshall what I brought for myself. I'm waiting to hear from Marshall that I can come back to the apartment so I'm just driving around Michigan and taking pictures with my brand new phone. I'm so goddamn bored, I wanted to go out with Logan but Logan said he wanted to stay with Marshall. I swear those two are obsessed with each other because whenever Marshall is around, Logan sits on his lap and does not leave his side.

When Marshall lived with us, those two did everything together: Shopped together, cooked together, laid together, and napped together, hell Logan even asked Marshall for help when he was doing his English homework. I loved the bond they shared but it's like Logan completely forgot about me, on the bright side, he didn't bring up Rodger so for the couple of days Marshall lived with us, I was at peace from hearing anything about Rodger and when Rodger should visit Logan or when Logan should go to his place. Speaking of Rodger, I haven't heard from him in almost two weeks since our last conversation, maybe Rodger backed off from the offer.

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