One Bad Decision After Another

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I've been thinking about whether or not should I go back to work for a couple of days. It's Friday today and I've decided to return to work, I can't pass up a huge salary but I can't stand to look at Grey. Grey said he'll keep his distance from me but I don't trust him because once he sees me, he'll want to talk things out and I can't deal with that. I already got enough problems on my plate to deal with, I don't need his bullshit

"You're not planning on going back to that job" I'm sitting with Kim around the dining table. Kim moved back in with Marshall so it's nice being around their place again. Marshall is at Manix house working, Alaina is with her mom today so it's only me, Kim, and Hailie "I don't have a choice" I sigh "You can look for another job, working for a boss that isn't such a pervert" I shake my head "But it won't match up to the salary I was getting as Candy" I tell her "Nicole, I'd rather have you make an honest living not sell your body to strangers" Kim cocks her head to the side "I've done this for almost five months and have made good money to provide for me and Logan" I put up a defense "I'm only trying to help" Kim sighs "I know and I appreciate it but I gotta do this myself and deal with Grey by myself"

We hear baby Hailie crying in her room "Hold on" Kim gets up and heads to Hailie's room. A few minutes later, Kim walks back to the kitchen with baby Hailie in her arms "Look whose up" Kim giggles as she sits down. I see Hailie lean forward towards me "She wants you to hold her" Kim smiles and passes her to me "Hey beautiful" I hold her up in my arms and she smiles at me. I wiggle Hailie in my arms and she starts giggling uncontrollably "She's happy now" I giggle as I sit Hailie on my lap and bounce her on my knee "You're so good with kids, You ever considered having a baby one day" Have I considered it? No, I enjoy my life the way it is besides I'm only 20 years old, raising a six-year-old boy so it feels like I'm a parent already "No I never really thought about it" I shake my head as I rest my chin on the top of Hailies head

"How come?" Kim asks me as she looks down and smiles at baby Hailie, she waves at her "For starters, I'm broke, secondly I'm raising my six-year-old brother so I already feel like a parent" I tell Kim "True" Kim nods "It's hard for me raising this little girl because we're barely scraping by, Marshall is focused on becoming a rapper and we are always arguing. He promises that when he becomes rich and famous we won't have any more problems but I'm worried he won't become a famous rapper because nobody wants to hear him on their radio station because he's a white boy doing black music" Kim sighs "You can't deny he's talented and has a way with words" I tell her "No I can't deny that" Kim shakes her head.

My phone buzzes on the dining table. I pass Hailie back to Kim and pick up my flip phone "It's Grey isn't it?" Kim asks me and I nod. I check the text message he sent, it reads "You made your decision about coming back to work?" Grey asks and I tell Kim what Grey said "Do you really want to?" Kim asks me and I sigh looking at her "I don't really have a choice" I look back down at the text "Then go for it" Kim doesn't sound approving because the whole idea of returning to work to a man I'm starting to hate doesn't sit well with her and it doesn't sit well with me either but like I said; the salary is huge "Yeah, I'm coming back" I send him the text "Okay see you tonight" I put my phone down "I gotta pick up Logan from school and drop him off at your place" I stand up "Get there safely" Kim smiles "I will" I smile back to her.


I wait outside Logan's school and see all the kids coming out. Logan's birthday is coming up in August and I don't know how to celebrate his birthday. I may do a Spiderman theme for him at the apartment or celebrate his 7th birthday at Chuck. E. Cheese with a Spiderman cake. His birthday is August 7th so that gives me plenty of time to talk to Logan about what he wants to do for his birthday and who he wants to invite.

I see Logan run to the car and he gets in "Hey buddy, how was your day at school?" I ask him as I begin to drive "Boring, the teacher made us do a math test in class but we watched a movie in English" Logan smiles "What movie was that?" I ask him as I focus on the road "We watched Aladdin because the teacher loves Aladdin" He says as he opens his lunch box and pulls out his chips that he clearly did not eat during lunchtime "So buddy you know your birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks time, how do you wanna celebrate it and who do you wanna invite?" I ask him "It's too early to talk about my birthday" He says with his mouthful "I know buddy but I want your birthday to be a special day so I want to know what you want for your birthday" I smile as I focus on the road

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