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It's been a couple of days since I won custody of my little brother and I'm just happy I get to bring him home to my apartment and raise him. It's been a long fight, and I do mean; a long fight. I had been fighting for him since September 1996. It was that month everything went to hell and I don't want to speak about it because I can't even believe what happened. If I ever get comfortable enough to talk about then I will but right now I've done my best to move on from that horrible month. I'm currently in my room, getting ready to go over to my mom's house and pack my little brother's clothes. I pull down my t-shirt and see my phone vibrate on my end table.

I pick up my flip phone and answer it "Hello?" I ask "Yo, am I interrupting?" Marshall asks me. Just my luck "What do you want Marshall?" I ask him with an attitude "Damn you're still pissed at me" Kim didn't tell him what I said? I thought she would by now, guess not "Of course I'm still pissed at you; you came to the nightclub, threw me out of your fucking car, and then you didn't show up to the courthouse to show me some support" I raise my voice at him "Okay I'm sorry I showed up to the club but I'm not gonna fucking apologies for kicking you out of my car because you threatened my fucking relationship with Kim" He fires back "What relationship? The kind that cheats because of a little argument you both had?" I laugh cause this is so ridiculous "I'm not gonna sit here and take relationship advice from a fucking bitch who fucks around with every guy and now became a fucking stripper" Marshall bites my head off "Are you afraid that I'm right?" I smirk

"Don't be smart with me, Nicole" Marshall sounds annoyed "You're the last person who should be telling me how to treat my fucking girl" I roll my eyes "Well apparently it's not taking" I laugh "What makes you think you're any better Nicole?" Marshall asks me "I don't think I'm better than anyone, Marshall" I shake my head "Stop fucking lying, you walk around like you fucking own Michigan because of the guys you slept with and then you got fucking played by Mark and I was there for you when you cried over him but I was thinking 'She deserves this because she's a slut'" I'm in shock "You were pretending to care?" I ask him, I can't believe it "I never pretended Nicole, I did care but I also knew this was karma for you because of all the guys you played around and you knew they were in love with you but you couldn't care less because you wanted their fucking dicks only" Who the fuck does he think he is? "You're no better than me, Marshall, since you also fucked around with many girls that I doubt Kim knows about" I raise my voice "Kim knows about the women I fucked and I also know about the guys she's fucked while she was with me"

They have a very strange relationship "and you call that a relationship" I roll my eyes "We're working things out" He's full of shit right now "So I'm guessing she knows about the girl in the bar?" I ask him "She doesn't know shit about that bitch so don't fucking tell her" I want so badly to say I did tell her but I want him to find out himself "You know what Marshall? I got no fucking time to be arguing with you, I gotta pick up my little brother" With that, I end the call and leave my apartment. I take the bus and head down to 7Mile Road.


I make it to my mom's front porch and knock on the door a few times. The door swings open and my mom moves out of the way without saying a single word to me and it's nice because I don't have to hear her voice and put up with her attitude. I walk directly to my little brother's room "Hey bud" I spot him laying down on his bed, drawing in his coloring book I brought for him a few days ago. Logan looks up at me and smiles. He gets out of his bed and runs over to me "I missed you Nicole" He wraps his arms around my waist and rests his head on my belly "I missed you too baby" I kiss the top of his head "I'm gonna help you pack your things and we're going home"

I begin to pack his things in a little suitcase along with a few toiletries such as toothpaste, toothbrush, and his comb. I zip up his suitcase and help him put on his shoes and coat "Let's go baby" I clasp his hand and walk out to the hallway "So this is it" My mom says coming out of the living room "You're just gonna take my son away" Logan hides behind me and looks at his mom with fear "You were never a mother to us, Samantha" I glare at her "Logan was never safe with you and Rodger didn't care enough about him to raise him" I continue "So you think you're the best option to raise a 6-year-old boy working a minimum wage job, honey you can't provide for yourself" She provokes me "I'm the only option for him and I don't need to explain myself to you because we're done" I try to walk away with Logan "No because you know I'm right" I turn around to see a disgusting smirk on her face "For your information; I work a good paying job so you don't need to worry about how I'll provide for him because I got it covered" I glare at her "And if you don't, I'll haul your ass to court again" She's still smirking "Why? So you can sleep with another lawyer to try win the case" I provoke her "Everyone knows who you are and what you did so the only lawyer that you'll be able to afford is a public defender and we both know they are not that good at their job that's why they are free, you won't have Rodger pay for you a good lawyer anymore after what you just did" I smirk and she's left speechless "So goodbye mother"

I walk out of the house feeling so relieved I'll never have to go back there and Logan won't have to spend more years with that woman. Raising him will be difficult but at least I'll keep him safe and protected, although I'll need Kim to take care of him two days a week when I go to work. Tomorrow, I'm hoping to visit Kim and the girls but I think maybe today or tomorrow or whenever Kim will confront Marshall about his cheating. Marshall and I are already on thin ice so Kim confronting Marshall about his cheating will end our friendship, but I'm gonna be honest with you, I don't really care because he brought it on himself and yes I know I shouldn't have told Kim that part but I didn't exactly have a choice.

Short chapter 

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