It Meant Nothing

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The last few days I've done nothing but think about the kiss. I don't know if it meant something to Marshall and I have no clue if it meant something to me but all I know is; the kiss was great and I wanted more of it but at the same time, I was taken aback because Marshall and I hadn't spoken for a whole month and then he just kissed me. I still think he was high off of the meds they gave him, I don't think he intentionally meant to kiss me

"Earth to Nicole" Lizzie interrupts my thoughts and I stare at her in confusion "There you are" Lizzie smiles "So what would you like to eat for dinner?" I look around my surroundings and realize I'm at the restaurant with Grey and a few colleagues from work, I still don't know what's the meaning of this since he's never mentioned why we are out to dinner at a steakhouse. We're all dressed up nicely in our evening dresses and Grey is wearing a suit.

I look at the waiter who is waiting to take my order "I'll have a filet mignon and a side salad" I tell the waiter and he writes the orders down "To drink?" He asks "Red wine please" I smile at him. After I have dinner, I'm stopping by the hospital to see Marshall. He has another couple of days til he is officially ready to go home. Kim went by to see him and she said she was so happy he was alive but she doesn't know if she's ready to take him back. They've only been broken up for a month and she said it would feel too soon to take him back but I think it's been long enough since Marshall feels guilty for what he did. Kim doesn't know about the kiss we shared and I don't plan on telling her since Marshall was under medication that prompted him to kiss me.

We get all our orders and during the whole evening, Natasha has been giving me dirty looks whenever me and Grey exchange flirtatious looks. I chose to ignore it since she isn't worth my time, I won't let her jealousy ruin my night "I need to go to the restroom" I announced as I escorted myself to the restroom. I do my business and now I see Natasha enter the restroom as I'm washing my hands "You and Grey have gotten a lot closer huh?" She asks me with not a nice look, I look over at her and nod "So I guess you think just because you're sleeping with Grey that you're special" She smirks "Natasha, I'm gonna save you the trouble but I really don't give a shit about what you think of me" I try to walk past her but she grabs my arm "I told you to back the fuck off because this is my fucking turf" Natash hisses "And I told you I don't give a fuck" Jealousy is one ugly look up close "If you are so threatened by me, why don't you take it up with Grey?" She glares at me and I smirk "I'm not threatened by your bitch ass" Natashas laughs

"Looks like you are since you're wasting your time telling me whose turf I'm in" I provoke her "I'm just telling you to back the fuck off" She repeats herself "And I'm just telling you I don't give a fuck" I give her a bitchy look "Get it?" I ask her and she lets go of my arm. I head back to the dinner table and Lizzie leans in "What happened?" She whispers "Nothing, just Natasha being a bitch" I whisper back and see Natasha come back. She purposely sits down next to Grey and starts flirting with him. The night ends and Grey walks over to me as I'm about to enter my car "Did you enjoy yourself tonight?" Grey asks me with a boyish smile "I did, it was worth the hard work" I smile at him "I'm happy you feel that way" Grey walks in closer to me and cups my cheek "You deserve this night since you're one of my best dancers" I look at him confused "I thought this night was for everyone" I say "Well yeah but if I had asked you out to dinner to celebrate you then you wouldn't have accepted" Grey sighs "I would have" I nod and he leans in to kiss me softly "Message me when you get home" He mumbles against my lips "I'm not going home just yet, I gotta visit Marshall in the hospital" I tell him "Alright, be safe" He gives me one last kiss but this time it's a heated kiss "I'll call you tonight" I smile at him and Grey nods. 

I get in my car and drive to the hospital. I walk inside the hospital and find Marshall's room. I enter the room and Marshall looks up at me "Hey, you look gorgeous, why is that?" Marshall teases "I had dinner with Grey and a few colleagues" I tell him as I sit down "I hope you had fun" Marshall smiles at me as I cross my legs "I did but Natasha was a bitch to me since I'm getting all the attention from the guys and because I'm sleeping with Grey" I roll my eyes "Fuck her, last month when I visited the club after we had a falling out, she was hitting on me an-" I cut him off "Did you sleep with her?" I ask him "Do you want me to answer that?" Marshall smirks "Oh my GOD Marshall, Natasha is the biggest slut and you fucked her" I gasp "But she was very.... talented" Marshall smirks "Duh, she's probably spread her legs to at least ten other guys that night" I roll my eyes "At least then she'll know I'm the best out of them other guys" Marshall wiggles

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