Boss From Hell

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I've been back to Michigan for a couple of days. Rodger wasn't impressed when I came by a week early to pick up Logan, you can imagine how awkward it was and how many death glares he shot me when I was waiting on Logan to grab his things. He didn't make small talk with me so I had to be the one to ask him how having Logan for two days was like but he kept the conversation short and gave me the cold shoulder in the process. Logan was thrilled he didn't spend a week without me. Since I got back to Michigan, Marshall had been blowing up my phone, demanding I'd talk to him but talk about what? If he was honest with me about what was really going on then we wouldn't be in this position, I obviously know what it's about: It's not about me impling he's 'manipulative' or that stupid question in the car back to the hotel after he lost the battle to Juice, it's about him thinking I'm gonna cheat on him even though I told him that raising Logan is distracting me from my old party days. He has to learn to trust me or this relationship won't have a future and I want a future with Marshall because I love him so much more than he loves me so what's happening between us, the last two days while I was in LA sucked because he won't come clean and I just need that from him if we're gonna be stronger together

"Logan, we gotta go" I holler at Logan in his bedroom as I stand by the door. I'm taking him to Kims place because Mrs. Williams has fallen ill and Rodger has his kids over to his place tonight. It's gonna be so strange to talk with Kim after not talking with her for awhile, I actually miss her but she's a narcissistic bitch. Logan runs out of his room with a big smile "I'm ready" He giggles "lets go" We leave my apartment and hop into the car. For the first few minutes of the drive, we're in silence "When am I gonna see daddy again?" He asks me. This question took me by surprise because he has not mentioned his father since "I don't know baby, I'll have to arrange for him to hang out with you" I focus on the road "Why can't we drive to his house?" He pouts "You know we can't do that, he has a job and most of the time he's never home" I look over at him "I wonder if daddy loves me" My heart hurts because Rodger is a piece of shit, he doesn't deserve Logan's love "What makes you think he doesn't love you?" I ask him "Because he was never around and now he is all of a sudden" My little brother is not stupid, he knows somethings up "Baby, listen to me" We stop at a traffic light and I look at him, he looks so sad as he's looking down at his feet "Your daddy loves you very much, he's just busy with his job but you have me baby" I lean over and kiss his cheek, he smiles "I love you, Nicole" That's the smile I love to see on his face "I love you too baby" I grab his hand and kiss the top of it.


We've made it to Kim and Marshall's place. I get out of the car with Logan and we both walk to the door. I knock on the door a few times and the door swings open "Hey Alaina" I smile at Alaina who holds the door open in her pajamas "Hey Nicole" She gives me and Logan a hug "Where's aunty?" I ask her and now I see Kim walk over to us, she glares at me "Hey buddy, you ready to spend the weekend with us?" Kim squats down and smiles at Logan "Yah" Logan says enthusiastically, Kim gives him a wink and stands back up "I'll pick you up on Monday after school" I smile at Logan and he hugs my waist "I'm gonna miss you" Logan sighs "I'm gonna miss you too baby" I kiss the top of his head. I hate that now I have to work three nights in a row and only being able to spend four days a week with Logan but this is something I've got to do to earn a living for the both of us. He lets go of my waist and enters the house, Kim closes the door and I head back to the car.

I pull out my phone from the pocket of my jeans and call up Rodger, he picks up after three rings "You're not catching me at my best time, Nicole-" I cut him off "You really gotta step it up as a father" I cut to the chase and I hear him get up, I hear his and several other footsteps "Kids be careful" He yells, I hear laughing and running in the background. I hear Rodger shut the door "I'm doing the best I can, Nicole, where is this coming from, huh?" He sounds annoyed "Logan told me he wonders if you even love him" I tell him "Why do I have a feeling you're putting stuff in his head about me?" He sounds mad "I haven't said anything to him, Logan is 7 years old, he isn't stupid, he knows something is up the minute you showed up to his life again" I lean back on my car seat "I never left his life" Rodger raises his voice at me "No, but you were never there for him like a father should be" I raise my voice as well "Look, I don't have time to do this okay, my kids are at my house for the weekend, can you call me on Monday after work about this?" He asks me "Yeah I can call you after I put Logan down for the night" I sigh in annoyance "Okay bye" He hangs up the phone before I can say anything else "Cunt" I shove my phone back in my pocket and drive off to work.

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