Take Me Back

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It's half an hour past 11 in the morning and I still haven't heard from Marshall. He's probably sleeping in. I'm on my way to pick up Logan from Rodgers house since I'm unemployed now, I know Logan is gonna be thrilled to spend way more time with me since he always complains about me working three nights a week and the four days a week I spend with him isn't enough because he's at school from 8am to 3pm and I only spend five hours with him. Sometimes, I hate being an adult, there is far too many responsibilities and even more so with a child who's heavily reliant on you to not fuck up.

I get dressed and hear my phone buzzing on my coffee table. I run over to my phone in hopes that it's Marshall who's texting me but to my surprise it's Kim. I check the message and it says "He's all mine ;)" I furrow my brows in confusion "What are you talking about?" I ask her. A few seconds later, Kim attached an image and it loaded up. I gasp at the photo of Marshall sound asleep, cuddling with Kim under the blanket and Kim smirking. I can't say he cheated on me because we broke up last night but this still hurts that he slept with her and I quit my job, so I have no boyfriend and no job. Great "You can have him" The last message I wrote to her before I switched off my phone and broke down in tears. I don't know how long I've been sitting on my couch, bawling my eyes out, it feels like forever.

I was supposed to pick up Logan but I'm an emotional wreck and can't stop myself from crying and dragging myself to the bathroom to wash my face only to cry again. I can't stop sobbing, my heart is so broken that he can be so awful to do something like this when he convinced me that him and Kim were done and that he only loved me. I'm even more mad at Deshaun for saying Marshall loves me to death because that is such a fucking lie. It's 3pm, I've had my lunch, and I have not bothered to check my phone.

I hear a knock on my door "I'm coming" The knocking persists as I get up from my sofa and walk to it. I open my door and Marshall looks pissed off "Is there something wrong with your fucking phone?" Marshall asks me as he pushes past me and enters my apartment. I close the door behind "You have some nerve showing up here" I raise my voice "The fuck you talking about?" Marshall asks me confused "You slept with Kim" I walk over to Marshall and push him hard against the chest, he stumbles a few steps back "How the fuck you found out?" Marshall asks me "Kim messaged me this morning, do you know stupid I felt-" Marshall cuts me off "I didn't fucking cheat on you, we were broken up" I hate that he's right "It doesn't matter because I quit my job last night to be with you" Marshall's face softens up and looks guilty but he doesn't say a thing "And while I was trying to tell you that last night, you were fucking my ex best friend so get the fuck out" I yell at him "Yo can't we fucking talk about this?" Marshall asks me

"There is nothing to fucking talk about, we're done" I'm getting choked up because I got no boyfriend and no job "I'm not leaving until we talk this shit out" Marshall yells "Why? You were the one who broke up with me and slept with Kim, as far as I'm concerned we have nothing to talk about" I glare at him, I'm too angry to cry, I just want to hit him "This shit wouldn't have happened if you chose me last night and quit your job" Marshall yells "Don't you dare blame me for this, I told you why I couldn't quit, it's not my fault you are so fucking selfish and then Deshaun told me you love me to death" I roll my eyes "Because I do fucking love you" Marshall yells "Not near as much as I do because the second you broke up with me, you slept with her" I yell at him "Aight, I'm sorry I fucked up but please take me back" Marshall begs "If the roles were reversed and I broke up with you and slept with Grey and I was begging for you to take me back, you fucking wouldn't" I yell and he doesn't say a thing "That's what I thought" I sigh "Just fucking leave, I gotta pick up Logan from Rodger's" I glare at him. He punches the wall and leaves my apartment.

A few minutes later, I left my apartment and got in my car. I drive to Rodger's house which is a mini-mansion in Rochester Michigan; the suburbs. I drive inside the gates and pull up to his house. I exit my car and walk to his double doors. I knock on it and wait for whoever opens the door. A few seconds later, the door swings open and this blonde little girl with brown eyes stares at me in confusion "Who are you?" She asks me "Umm I'm looking for Rodger" I smile at her "Why do you need to see my dad?" I see this little boy with brown hair run over to his sister "Laila, come on I'm getting bored" The little boy groans and then looks at me "Who are you?" These kids are no older than 8 years old "My name is Nicole" I introduce myself to the kids "I'm looking for Rodger" I tell him and I see Rodger step into the foyer "Laila, Jayden, go back to the living room" The kids disappears into the living room screaming and laughing as Rodger approaches me with an annoyed look

"What are you doing here?" He asks me, crossing his arms across his chest "I'm here for Logan" I tell him "I'm about to have a barbeque with the kids, I told you I'm going to drop Logan off on Monday after school" Rodger sounds surprisingly calm "That's not necessary anymore, I would like to take him home" I glare at him "Aren't you working tonight and Sunday night?" He asks me "I quit my job" I say "I'm dropping him off on Monday as we arranged, now would you please get off my property" He glares at me "He is my brother and I have custody over him so if I want to take him home then I should be able to" I glare at him "Nicole, if you don't get off my property, I'm going to call my security and have you removed, now please leave, I want to spend time with my children" Rodger threatens me "Fine" I head back to my car and get in. This wasn't what I expected, today officially marks the worst day ever.

I kept this chapter short because my last chapter was 16 minutes long 

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