Alaina's Birthday

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It's been a slow week but Marshall is out of the hospital and I did not attend his intimate 'welcome home' party at his house because him and I don't talk and Kim still thinks it has to do with their breakup which actually is but it's also about the kiss. I knew asking about it would lead to an argument but I'm over it. Grey and I are kind of in an awkward situation since I didn't come to work and when he offered to take care of me I rejected him, I just felt so disgusted with myself and I couldn't let Grey see that, I couldn't let him see the guilt and the sadness in my eyes when I brought it all on myself. My fault.

Since I lied to Grey about being sick, he'd be calling non-stop to find out if I was doing any better and I would reply with 'Getting there' My answers were well kept short and then Lizzie called me up to gossip about Natasha, she told me that Natasha was stealing my moves and that one of the dancers had literally called her out on it. It was a massive blow out, too bad I missed it cause I was 'sick'.

Today is Alaina's fourth birthday and I brought her a cute pink sparkly dress, matching pink shoes and a tiara for the Princess of the day. She is gonna look so adorable, I can't wait to see her in it. We're celebrating her birthday at Kim's place and of course Marshall is gonna be there, I'm surprised she allowed him to attend her birthday because I know how she feels about him but it seems like she is loosening up but not enough to get back to him just enough to let him see the girls.

I'm not wearing anything too fancy just a black knee- length dress with a cardigan and a pair of flats because I suck at walking in heels even though I love them, I need practice because I feel like stepping on Marshall's neck with my very sexy knee high boots thin heels. I'm so rude but not as rude as the way he talked to me and if he didn't have that injury right on his rotator cuff then I would have gladly slapped him across the face for what he said. I'm an angry girl, I don't like people fucking with me and I don't let them fuck with me. Right now, Natasha sees me as her competition even though I'm minding my own business and doing my job the way I should be doing but better since she is jealous of the attention I'm getting and I enjoy worming my way underneath her skin without trying at all.

I've wrapped Alaina's presents and since today is Saturday I don't have Logan with me because Kim picked him up the night before for work. I've made almost $5000 from this work and I can honestly say I've never been more happier in my life, Yes I'm selling my body to glorified strangers but my salary is fantastic and I'm living comfortably. I try to help Kim with financial difficulties as much as I can because she's struggling to get a job, plus she's like a sister to me so it only makes sense that I help her out the way she's helped me out when I needed it.

I get in my car and drive off to Kim's apartment building. When I've parked the car, I notice Marshall and Nathan walking inside the building with their gifts, Marshall has a sling on his Rotator Cuff. Luckily they haven't noticed me but I'm gonna wait a few more seconds inside the car til I'm absolutely certain they have disappeared into Kim's apartment because I don't feel like dealing with Marshall even though his brother is with him then he still gives me attitude but in a funny way so Nathan won't grow suspicious because according to Marshall; Nathan is a smart little boy who can pick up on awkward silence and his brother being a dick easily.

I get out of my car and enter the building. This building doesn't have an elevator so we have to ascend the steps and Kim lives on the fourth floor so this will be great exercise. I'm lazy, can you tell? I've reached the second floor and now I hear voices coming from Marshall and Nathan "I need to pee" Nathan whines "We're almost there and then you can pee" Marshall chuckles and Nathan is still whining "You should have gone before we left the house buddy" Marshall sounds like a parent to his baby brother "But I didn't need to go then" Nathans voice hits a high note which causes me to bite my bottom lip to keep myself from laughing. They both grow silent but I hear the footsteps echo on the stairs. OMG, I'm so freaking tired of climbing these steps.

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