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We annoyed the guards by repeatedly saying to let us go. I did promise them nothing is going to happen if we band together. My mother can't destroy us all. This time I will protect my citizens. The guards looked at me like I was insane for this plan, but they trusted me.

They still couldn't let us go, and that is okay; because during transfer, we would riot. Everyone else agreed, and we discussed the plan. In the end, Anisel and I will be getting the throne back and defeating my mother. As the night rose on us, "You and this planning things come easy, huh?" Anisel said as he pulled me close.

"Perks of being a student of a leader. I got it from my parents. But I use that power for good."

"I wish we could spread the message more than in this kingdom. We need to grow in size. Who knows what your mother can do." Anisel was right. We need more people than the kingdom's citizens. We need that one voice to carry the word around. I lay on my boyfriend's lap to think more.

My eyes glanced forward to see Jabrel crying in the corner. My brother must have been broken inside, so I sat up and went by his side. "You okay?" I said as I rubbed his back. He jumped a little, then quickly wiped his eyes. He missed Lily, the love of his life. The glue that holds him together.

His face turned red after realizing what he had said. Jabrel forgot that he didn't tell me the secret. "I know you love Lily more than a friend— don't have to hide it anymore. I'm your big sister; you can't keep secrets from me."

Scratching the back of his head, he hid his face from embarrassment. Lily and Jabrel had been a thing for a while and were scared to speak. He thought his mother would kill him. The people weren't the only ones that were scared of my mother.

I understood where he came from, but he couldn't help but love someone. He deserved happiness like everyone else. After comforting him, we both smiled and hugged each other. That's when a guard called for our name. Curious, we went to the cell gate.

"Father??" we said in unison.

"My dear kids– I should have done something years ago. To see that happen makes my heart sink to the ground. Your mother throws you in jail and then kills you. I want to set you free... not only you but this kingdom. If you forgive me, of course."

Were we getting pranked?? Our father, the king, had finally realized his wrongs. We walked away from him as my brother knew something was wrong. We couldn't trust his words after all these years... Why now?

I agree with my brother on this one. How are we supposed to trust him?? How are we supposed to believe he is telling the truth?? We turned to see his dead eyes, but the expression was there. "If you don't believe me, I will join you in the battle. I will walk in this cell right now and be you." He said.

What if he wants information from us? We still can't be sure about this. Anisel came over, "I'm sorry, your majesty but we can't trust the words. We don't know what your true intentions are. If you really want to join us, then stay by our side once the time comes. Then we will know your true story."

My father's eyes widened with shock. A peasant has given wise words to someone higher. Not a peasant– but the next king. My father nodded in response. He made a promise to stand with us at that time. As he walked away, he left with this, "I knew he was right for you." I smiled with compassion as we waved goodbye.

After days of waiting, we were getting transferred. The guard unlocked our door and had us line up individually, ensuring we were touching. Of course, I was in front, being watched as closely as possible. While we were walking, Jabrel tapped my shoulder and gave the signal. The group's men charged at the guards and took what they could.

It was a hundred-to-one ratio; the guards could not bring us down. Once we saw sunlight, a crowd awaited at the front gate. Hazel, Joshua, Hamon, Mikhal, and Lily had many people standing behind them. "Look, guys, we brought back up," Joshua shouted. Jabrel stepped through the crowd when he spotted Lily, and he ran to her.

"LILY!!" He shouted. She held her arms wide for my brother. Once their fingers touched, a bright aura surrounded them. I told them to leave the kissing for later as we got things to do. I took Anisel's hand, and we stepped out in the middle of the crowd. People gathered around us like it was story time.

"Looking around us, we see nothing but hope and love. Mia and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts. You showed us that no matter how hard things get... you will protect those who are close. I know I will today." Anisel said as he held my hand tightly.

"Anisel is right, thank you. During all this, I felt like I let you guys down as a princess... hiding something that could have destroyed us. But now I see the change of confidence in me. You all trust me in ruling this kingdom. I will not let you down! I can not let this continue in darkness! I haven't seen such a bright light in a while... I'm proud to be your princess."

Jabrel barged in, "I'm proud to be your prince. Those two have shown no law can hold back what you truly believe in. Thanks to my sister, I am not afraid to stick up for what's right. Anisel and his family weren't enemies to us. The queen was! The queen put a bounty over their heads because of what SHE did to them. My sister and I couldn't stop it. Mia did what she did to save them. She could have died than live another day in this death."

I reached out my hand for my brother. He took it with tears coming down his eyes. Anisel was still holding my other hand. All three of us raised our arms high in the sky. "WHO WILL JOIN US!! WHO WILL RAISE!!" we shouted out.

Cheers rang throughout the empty field. This power, this feeling... I never had this before, and yet it is strange. Our people let us through to the front. We marched on to take back Satia.

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