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Anisel dragged me to a place that felt familiar but unfamiliar at the same time. "Where are we?" I was puzzled. I really drew a blank when I glanced around. We stopped at a trailer that was rusted down. I side-eyed him as he smiled.

"When I want peace away from responsibilities, I come here. I know it is far from my kingdom but it's far enough for me to relax. This is like my second home."

How did he find this place?? Why would a noble like him be in a place like this?? I would be scared. Anisel parted his lips but got interrupted by lights in the sky. He took my hand and yanked me inside. He locked the door, squatted down, and covered my mouth. The light shine through the bar windows and voices were heard. I couldn't recognize their voices, so I listened closely. Anisel released his grip and so did I.

"He has to be right. I saw two people walking around here before. It has to be them." The stranger said. I wanted to ask questions until I studied Anisel's face as he focused on the conversation. Something was up. "Those bastards have been dodging me for years. It's time to finish what they have started. Either pay me 20,000£ or get the crown. Plain and simple."

Anisel makes an unrecognizable sound. He was scaring me like he knew what they were referring to. I cling to his arm not knowing what to do. He sensed my fear and held me to calm my nerves. With a sigh, we continue to listen.

"They should have gotten the prize a long time ago. That diamond is worth millions. Those brothers fuck up." they said. The footsteps vanished in the distance. Once the coast was clear, we got up with relief.

Anisel took me to the bed and sat down. "What was that about?" I asked him bluntly. "You seemed so infatuated in their conversation like you knew what was going on?"

No words, but his body movements said it all. Something was wrong and I wonder if he has to do something with it. Ansiel lit a candle to light the room. Silence roamed the space as he began to explain he had nothing to do with those guys. He doesn't know what they want. He was interested in why they were looking for those brothers.

The diamond was worth more than the palace itself. If they are looking for that jewel then the kingdom is in trouble. I mentioned how much the crown cost and if those brothers have to pay them back, then that won't do. Anisel swiftly looked at me.

"What do you mean by that?? Let's say they own 20,000£– stealing the crown won't do??"

"That is a lot of money to owe someone, Anisel. But no– the crown is around 10,000£ at most. They are out of luck to erase that debt. People are better off stealing a jewel from the palace." I said. I was going to add that the royal diamond is the best bet, but I felt something fishy is going on here.

The way he looked wasn't pleasing.

~ Anisel ~

HOW DOES THE CROWN COST LESS THAN THAT FUCKING DIAMOND!! HOW!! My goal has been set– I need to become king!! It is the only way to pay off the debt.

I calmed myself before facing Mia who was shivering from the cold. I took a dusty blanket and wrapped it around her. Hope she doesn't mind. "Here. It is not the best but it's something." I stated.

"It's fine. This place brings back memories as it looks familiar. I had a map to take me to a yard where I could hide, but I couldn't make it. I met someone who needed the location more, so I gave it to them. Hamon, my servant, found it for me. It would have been perfect."

Wait a minute? The story sounds oddly familiar– Can it be?? Could it be?? Nah. If Mia was her then I would have known, right? The princess couldn't be Laura? Maybe she was talking about someone else. Why would Mia help out thieves?? Most importantly, return her own gem back with rating us out? Top of that— Laura looked completely different. So, yeah.

"I think it is time to head back before the workers start searching for you. Plus, it's getting cold." I said as I got up slowly. A warm touch was felt on my hand, Mia was smiling while holding the blanket out. She thanked me and got up. My heart begins to pound.

As we walked out the door, I always wondered if she had sneaked out before because she is a natural. I knew it would have been a dumb question but I am curious. "Of course. I wasn't perfect, you know. Everyone sneaks out now and then. I was in luck the day my diamond got stolen because they were so distracted by that, they weren't even thinking about me. However, I was thrilled when it returned."

Nope, she isn't Laura by the way she stated her story. Laura saved our asses that day and didn't tell a soul. One day, I will thank her for the help because it could have been worse. Plus, she was beautiful— I mean, Mia is stunning too but Laura takes the cake. I fell in love when I saw her. Anyways, what was Mia doing alone that day?

"I wanted to sneak out for a bit. So, I wore my peasant clothes and a cape for extra coverage. I went to the cafe for something sweet until the chaos happened. I joined in on searching for it. Luckily, I found the people who took it."

No freaking way. Please tell me you weren't her, please.

"I finally caught up to them and tapped one of the shoulders. They looked scared and broken. Which made me want to take it by force— I couldn't. My heart was telling me something else. I had to help, so I guided them to this old house." Mia's tone changed. I didn't know how to put it or describe it. The tone was heartfelt, like she was honest about the story.

"D-did you go by an alias or something whenever you head out alone?" my voice went shaky.

"Yeah... Laura, why?"

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