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~ Anisel ~

~ A few days later ~

Jail cells are my worst enemy, especially this one, due to the harsh security. The Queen has some fucking nerves to drag us here while we sleep. I'm surprised she didn't kill us. As I was lying in this uncomfortable metal bed, I stared at the ceiling. I pictured my life if we took a different path. Would we still be here? Would we be dead? Would we be ordinary citizens living our daily lives? If things were different— would I have met Mia??

Fuck. All we can do is just sit and wait. When I got up from the floor, I went to my cell door to peek out. Joshua was right across from me. "Josh, you here?" I said.

"Yeah— unfortunately."

You can tell he has broken down mentally. He has lost everything from his home to his girlfriend. Joshua doesn't deserve this, either do I. His voice faded as he told me sorry. It wasn't his fault or my– it was the queen's fault. She made us like this. If she ran her kingdom better, then we wouldn't have done what we needed to.

Joshua's voice picked up as he felt stupid to push the limits. He was being selfish because he didn't want to lose me. We are not going to see the light anymore. He began to curl up into a ball on the ground. Joshua– there should be no guilt or pain. As the older brother, I must take half of the blame.

While we were sitting in our cells, guards were talking about Mia and Matthew's big wedding. Ugh!! I didn't want to hear this. "Tsk, they don't belong together. Mia doesn't love him. She is being forced to do it." I said.

"Like you are any better for her." A voice said.

That voice— I despise that voice. When I glanced at the door, the devil himself appeared. What does he want??

"I wanted to see you before you took your last breath. After this visit, I won't be seeing you anymore." He smirked. My eyes just stared at him as I gave him a cold shoulder. I wanted to rip him to shreds. If Matthew had shut his mouth, we wouldn't be put to death. "You want to kill me, don't you?? Joshua, over there, is eyeing me down. Too bad you are behind bars where you belong."

That fucking smile will be the last if he continues to talk. Once we are gone, he will take everything I gave to Mia and burn it to the ground. I stood up and threatened him. If he touches that bracelet, then hell will rise over him. Matthew walked closer to my cell and explained it didn't matter as I would be dead soon. All of Mia's memories of me will vanish. I reached my hand out to grab him.

I was reaching a point of fuck these bars. Matthew walked away laughing. I hope he chokes on his spit. Joshua's eyes followed the asshole out of the frame. He turned to me, saying we can't give up like this. It has to be a way out of here— it has to.

"What an asshole, huh? Don't worry, just sit tight." Another voice told us. I knew who it was, and I had never been so happy.

~ Jabrel ~

While in the studying hall, I saw Mia constantly wiping her eyes. The sorrow she was feeling for herself. I don't particularly appreciate seeing her like this– miserable. Matthew has been watching her closely because of suspicion and treason. He even requested to move in after the announcement was made. Mia has been in jail since then.

I was going to need help, so I called Yuli. She was the last person, but I had no choice. She wasn't thrilled to hear my voice, but she was willing to cooperate as she felt guilty. As the princess of Pervia, she was going to squash everything. I got my mom's permission for Yuli to attend the wedding and stay with us until then.

Yuli joined me in the study hall and witnessed the chaos. "You weren't lying about this?" She whispered.

"I told you. Since that happened, Mia needs more help. We will take down my mother and bring Mia to the throne with Anisel."

"You guys are always up to something; however, I'm willing to fix our relationship. After speaking to my mother, she agreed to be on Mia's side." She smiled. Good– having Pervia on our side is enormous. We can get the resources to be successful. Hazel even got the Blue Rose to understand as well. They will listen to us only when the time comes.

Yuli and I planned out the opinions, and as we were doing that, Mia peeked at us. I could tell she was listening, but Matthew moved her out of worry. He does not control her, and to have my mother agree to this bond is sickening. Later on that night, we had dinner.

"How long has this been going on?" Yuli asked.

A couple of days ago, he laid ground rules for my mother. He didn't explain why the sudden change, but we know. If he catches us doing anything suspicious, then he will tell us. That's why we need to be careful. Yuli nodded her head in agreement. She never knew he would be a jerk. The little power he has can get you anywhere in life.

After dinner, we walked back to the room. We bumped into Mia along the way as she said sorry and gestured to my back pocket. I bowed. Once we entered my room, I immediately looked at the note. "Things will start next week. I hope everything is ready on your side." I said.

Yuli gave me the most confusing expression as she didn't know what would happen. When I told her about the plan, she became a part of it. What we are about to do is risky for a servant. Her eyes searched everywhere, and then she realized.

"You guys are really risking it, huh?? So, where is she??" She laughed. 

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