👑 17 👑

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Yes!!! I am so happy they were chosen, but does it have to be them? How am I supposed to choose?? Two handsome guys standing in front of me with two different souls. They stood back up and looked at me with loving eyes. I couldn't breathe; I needed to compose myself quickly. So, I stood up from the throne.

"You guys will show me your strength and loyalty as I evaluate your overall personality. In the next couple of weeks, we will see who will become victorious to be king."

Everyone cheered as they raised their glasses up high. The list got small enough that I didn't want to choose this time. The night went perfectly. We all had a good time.

The following day I got woken up by sunlight in my eyes. Why did I pick this room again? I yawned while opening my eyes to see Hamon fixing the curtains."Good morning, my lady. How did you sleep?" He walks over to the bed, pulling off the covers with ease. Come on; I can't rest for a second. I don't have a chance as my schedule has been filled up for today.

Like a sloth, I went to the bathroom to freshen up until I heard a knock at the door. Mikhal gestured to me that he would get it. After ten minutes of a refreshing shower, I walked out, seeing flowers on my bed. "Hamon, where did those flowers come from?" I tilted my head in confusion.

"Matthew has sent these as a good morning gift, my lady. It's your favorite blue roses." Hamon picked them up and sniffed them.

That was nice, but he didn't have to do that. I could see these flowers outside my window. Once I got dressed, we headed out. "Hey, my dear sister," Jabrel said.

"Where are you going to dress like that?" I asked. He looks like dad but younger; he had his crown on and everything. Jabrel had meetings to attend about property tax and other laws. Our parents were out today, and they couldn't make it.

"Make sure I get updates about the meetings. I need to know so I can do this emergence." I stated. Jabrel bowed his head and moved on. As we reached the front gate, I saw Hazel and Anisel hanging out. What were they doing here?? Their expressions changed once they saw me. They both smiled and walked away. Weird.

"Are you hungry, my lady? You look like you are out of it." Hamon said.

"Sure, let's go to the fruit market," I said as I picked up my speed. Today the market is selling fresh products straight from the farm. It was harvest season in the kingdom, and the farmers sold their fruit at a reasonable price. As I searched around, the vendors jumped for joy. I rarely come on a new day.

"Hello. It seems like you guys are happy today,"

"We are just happy to see you stop by, your majesty. We don't get the royal family here often. All we get is high nobles. Since you are here, our sales can go up."

To have my presence help with sales. Citizens always want what the royal family wants. I grabbed a peach that was 10£ each. The first bite was heaven, and all my stress melted away. I handed them the money and thanked them for their hard work.

If I didn't have to go out, I would have my servants to get fruit, but I had to see Yuli for the meeting. It didn't take long for us to reach her hotel room. "Good morning." She said as she opened the door.

"You as well. Are you ready to discuss the plans?"

"I want to talk about the kings your mother has picked for you. They are very handsome." She sat on the couch.

We don't have time for this. We need to finish before she leaves and make sure we agree. If this goes wrong, then my kingdom is screwed. I need her full cooperation in expanding our lands. For that to occur, she must agree with the plans. Satia's goods are profitable.

"Of course they are your majesty. That is why I want to expand. Not because you are my friend but because it benefits both of us. My people could use it."

Out of nowhere, another voice has entered the connection. Who does she have here?? We both turned towards the door to see Matthew come in. Both of us were shocked by his appearance. Yuli asked about his reason in this private meeting. Matthew just smirked and talked about the Pervia kingdom.

Pervia has grown their kingdom throughout the years, and they are able to give me the resources without giving anything back. I looked at Matt, confused, as he shouldn't be here. Yuli snapped at him and asked him to leave immediately. Who is he to talk about, Pervia?

He didn't mean to disrespect Yuli, but she has tons of land and stores to make a high profit. Why need Satia to help?? This kingdom is small and needs more help than ever. We need our goods to keep value. If Pervia takes my products, what value will be given in return?? Yuli knows what is at stake here.

I was confused as I peeked at Yuli, who gave Matt a nasty look. "What is going on?" I said.

Matthew sat by me. "Princess Yuli only wants to suck you dry, my lady. She doesn't need your goods for her people. They are capable of making what they need to survive. She wants to take your land to control what is being brought in and going out. Yuli is just like her mother, always wanting to take something they don't need."

A "tsk" came from her mouth, and she mentioned that he wasn't part of this discussion. Why was he so invested in telling me that when he doesn't live here anymore? "This is still my home, king or not; I will always protect it."

The betrayal. I couldn't believe she wanted to destroy this place. Why? Why would she do this? I was naive, thinking I could do right by this land. I bring nothing but dirt and death to the kingdom, just like my mother. Deep down, she doesn't care about her people or the kingdom, only herself.

As for me, I care about what is right, and so does Yuli for her home. Pervia is the largest kingdom and continues to be great at the rate they are going. "Sorry, Mia, but you will change nothing." She said.

I stared at Hamon and ordered him to call the royal guards."As princess of Satia, I declare Princess Yuli of Pervia to be exiled from this land. We will no longer trade or give you any goods."

The death stare she gave was terrifying before taking her away. She turned to me, saying about the huge mistake and declaring war on the kingdoms. As they left, I sat there thinking about what to do. Matthew came to me. "She can't declare war as Pervia has a treaty with us. Her mother can, but I think she will avoid it."

By cutting off all the profits to Pervia, we will have nothing to manufacture. Their kingdom can attack us anytime if she voids that treaty. I put my hands through my hair; my mind was clouded. I trusted her with everything I had. I hope Jabrel has good news. 

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