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~ Anisel ~

When I woke up, I found that Joshua was gone. He can't be leaving like this without me. Out of nowhere, there was laughter outside the trailer. "Good morning, big bro," Joshua said as I stepped out. Something didn't sit right with me when I looked at Hazel.

"What in the hell are you two planning?"

"Sir Anisel Dean, congratulations!! You have been selected as Princess Mia's betrothed. Now, you are free to be around her as much as you like." Hazel smiled.

Was that true?? They are not pulling my leg, are they?? Out of all those rich nobles, I got picked?? Am I one step closer to ruling this shithole?? Joshua hugged his girlfriend from behind and then jumped on me. We fell to the ground as Hazel told me about how she convinced her parents to let us stay over. Since we live "so far" her parents felt bad and invited us. Good because we may get caught one day.

If we are at her house and they are best friends— that means I will get to see Mia more often. Who would have thought the day can get better? The plan is coming into motion. Hazel's family is very close to the royal family, I may get the advantage. We packed our things and followed Hazel. This would be our first time around people in years. This will be interesting.

I hope we don't stick out as much because we look like complete bums. We arrived at the front gate and I couldn't believe my eyes. "HAZEL!! When were you going to tell us that you lived in the fucking palace!! What the hell!!" I shouted.

"This is part of the palace where the royal guards stay. Since my parents are the leaders, we get to stay right next to the same building. I thought I told you." she nervously laughed. I shook my head aggressively. Joshua didn't even know about this because he looked more shocked than I am.

When we stepped in it was like fairy dust lit our way. It was a magical experience. As the door opened, the chandeliers hang high above the ceiling. A red carpet painted the floors as it led to the staircase, and servants lined up to greet us. . What the fuck?? This is how I want to live from now on. Hazel showed us the rooms we will be staying in for the next couple of days.

"There is one rule I follow in this house. Do not— I repeat, DO NOT! Go behind a certain point of this building. There's a door that connects to the main palace. Without my parents accompanying us, we are not allowed beyond that point."

"What about me? I'm part of the Princess arranged marriage list. Can I go beyond that point?" I said jokingly but seriously at the same time. I got curious and asked her if the princess knows about the stay.

"She was the one who suggested it to me. But it doesn't get you the right to go near her at any time. She will send someone to get you, when she wants to spend time with you. Anyways, there's a garden you can go to— but you can't cross a specific line. The other side is where the princess roams." She explained.

Like a dog, I agreed to the rules and consequences. She left the room for us to unpack and get settled in. My mind still tried to comprehend what happened in the last hour. This isn't real. I began to walk around the room then stared at the window. "You okay, Anisel?" Joshua asked me.

I took a deep breath and let out a sigh. I need a tour around the house because this is insane. Maybe wishing on shooting stars is real. I went to the garden to breathe in some fresh air. May I say, it is beautiful. There are various flowers everywhere, my favorite is the white dahlias. A fountain separates the two sides.

Why I feel I can not pull this off. My mother always told us to follow what we believe in and I believe to be king. I believe everything will change for the better. As I walked further in the garden, I saw someone sitting on a bench. The voice was medium-pitched. I liked it.

~ Mia ~

"Is this a good spot, my lady?" Hamon asked as he placed an umbrella down.

"Good enough. I just needed space. I feel like a servant being asked to do stuff. It is getting annoying– no offense. Your job is awesome, but I wish I was queen."

"One day, your majesty," Mikhal added. It's not going to be easy though. I have to pick one out of those five and they are all good people. However, I pick nobody as I don't need anyone. Suddenly, I heard rustling sounds behind me. I snatched Hamon's sword from the holder and pointed at the brush.

The person quickly came out with their hands in the air. Anisel?? What is he doing?? Is he trying to get killed?? With a smile, he dusted off the leaves and bowed. He is lucky because it would have been off with his head. I handed the sword back to Hamon and stared at his appearance. What type of noble wear clothes like that??

He peeks down and began to fidget in panic. Anisel wears poor clothes as a way to stay hidden. It throws citizens off and they will leave him alone. He hates being surrounded during outings. Which is reasonable, I guess. But no noble should look like they belong in the dumps.

Besides the clothes, why was he outside the line?? Hazel should have told him the rules, so why break them already?? Even Hazel isn't allowed over here. "I'm sorry, my lady. I didn't mean to cross the line. It is such a beautiful garden— I couldn't help myself. Plus, I heard voices and was curious. When I saw it was you, I was wondering why the long face?" he said.

My servants peeked at each other and stepped in to protect me. Was there anything suspicious about Anisel?? Hamom explained there was no time to chat as I had somewhere to be. No I don't, this was my break and a chat wouldn't hurt anybody. I patted the seat next to me and scooted my servants away for a moment. The look on their faces was scary.

I grinned ear to ear as he took the offer. We begin to talk our mouths away.

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