👑 21 👑

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~ Mia ~

Hazel, Jabrel, Anisel, Matthew, and I were playing board games in the living area. "You are cheating!" Hazel said as she punched him gently.

"No, I am not. I swear you owe me money for landing on my square." He grinned.

"How? When did you own it?"

Those two began to fuss about the stupid square. As for me, I was counting money until something covered it. Anisel's hand pressed against mine and revealed a note. I knew Matthew had seen it because his expression said it all. He got up from his chair and accused Anisel of being sneaky, which he was right. Anisel rolled his eyes and said he didn't know what it said. It could be about his zipper that keeps falling.

Matthew's face turned red with embarrassment, and he quickly zips it back up. He crossed his arms and pouted. These past few days have been insane as they became more competitive. But I know who I want; I hope my parents pick right. The game was nearly over, and I had run out of money. So, I waited for the others to finish up.


The door swung open, and Joshua flew in, holding his chest. Where has he been?? We sent him to get drinks thirty minutes ago. Hamon knew something was wrong and rushed over. Joshua caught his breath, and once his head came up, an explosion went off in the corridors.

The building began to shake, which threw me off my chair. Mikhal came to help me as Joshua explained someone had entered the palace with aggressive actions. Hamom ordered the servants to get us out of there. Another explosion occurred where the door flew open.

Hamon was thrown to the wall; the door covered him. That's when Mikhal took charge, and Hazel went into a guarded mood telling everyone else to follow him. In the cloud of dust, a man appeared.

"ANISEL AND JOSHUA DEAN!! I know you guys are here!! Come out now before you get the royal family killed." He shouted.

Hamon removed the door from atop of him and told us to go. The guy wanted Anisel, but why? What is Anisel not telling me?? Sprinting down the hall, the other guards guided us to where we needed to go. When we got to the main entrance, a gunshot rang through the building.

Did this guy bring a whole army with him?? The ceiling began to break apart as some grenades went off. The guards hurried us inside. They shut the door once we were in, but we weren't safe yet. We took tunnels to the main room, and once we found the door, we didn't hesitate to go in.

The palace had multiple safe rooms, as two were for the royal family and our servants. We were relieved that everything was going to be okay. I looked around to notice Anisel and Matthew weren't present. Where were they??

One of the servants got nervous as she stated they hadn't entered the room. "WHAT?!?! I want guards out there protecting them at all costs!" I yelled. My heart was pounding with anxiety.

~ Anisel ~

A random ass stranger came through the doors shouting our name— I knew we were in trouble. My heart stopped for a moment. How did they even know?

Hazel told Jabrel, Matthew, and me to follow him to the safe room. I didn't want to leave Mia's side, but Mikhal had already taken her. I won't worry as much, knowing she is being protected. Quickly, we rushed out the door. Hamon stayed back and helped the guards take control.

"What in the hell did you two do to piss that guy off?" Matthew said. I shrugged my shoulders, playing like I didn't know. I took a glance at Joshua, who was scared shitless. Something must have happened that day when he was spotted. Running through the rumbling halls, we heard more explosions from every possible way.

This guy wants the palace destroyed just because of us. Crap. As we got closer to our destination, someone was firing gunshots in our direction. One stray bullet glazed Hazel's arm, but before you knew it, another made direct contact. "ARGH!! Where did that come from?" She said as she fell to her knees. Joshua dashed to his girlfriend's side, checking to see if she was okay.

Blood leaked out like mud; Hazel was in pain. I grabbed Matthew and told the others to duck as more headed our way. We all hid behind pillars. "What in the hell are we going to do now? It seems like the guy called for backup." I told Matthew.

"How about you go out there? They want you and Joshua. Not us."

Is he insane?? What would make that any better?? My brother and I would end up on the ground in seconds. Before I knew it, I was out in the open. What the hell? I know he didn't just push me out here. All gunfire ceased as we looked at each other. I raised my hands in the air as I surrendered. I can't be putting my life on the line.

"What do you want? Coming in here wrecking the palace, searching for people who aren't here." I said with caution.

"That is a lie because one of them stands before me as we speak. Anisel Dean, the kingdom troublemaker. You and your brother are impressive. Six years of hiding, and look at you now. Where is your brother??"

I put my arms down and explained he wasn't around. The guy smiled and saw him come inside not too long ago. He missed him by an inch the other day. All he wanted was the money, but Joshua had to blab about me becoming king—that idiot. I gave my brother a disappointed look.

He hides behind Hazel, who is twice as disappointed as me. I glanced at Matthew, whose face was disturbed. My whole body went silent as I couldn't find the words. "Just leave, Chris. You causing a war here won't do you any good." I said.

"You are right. But do I look like I care about this palace?? I want you guys dead. It took a lot for us to hunt you down. Six years is very persistent if you ask me. I don't care about the money anymore. After you guys disappeared, your parents made it much worse. They tried to come after me, which was the wrong move. Seeing them take their last breath was pleasing. Now, it is your turn."

My body couldn't move. Was he the one that murdered them?? I couldn't believe this. The gun in his hands began to move. It was pointed straight at me. I couldn't do anything but to accept my fate.

I closed my eyes and spread my arms. I am so sorry, Mia. 

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