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I was thrilled when Jabrel told me he was going to save them. My mother has no right to go behind my back to do something so devilish. Now I know this isn't for me; it's for my mom and what she wanted. One day out of the week, my brother and I met at the throne room alone. Our parents were out on a business trip.

"The two haven't been executed yet, which is good. However, she wants the whole kingdom to see their deaths. So, she planned it for the day after your wedding. Who knew they were this cruel??" Jabrel said.

"Only our mother as father goes along with what she says. We need to put a stop to this. They don't deserve this punishment." Tears flowed down my eyes. Jabrel patted me on the back for comfort. I don't want to marry someone I don't love anymore. If I marry him, it would be like a prison I can never escape.

Someone came through the doors as we talked– it was Matthew, of course. What is the problem?? I ordered him to leave as he cannot enter the room. However, he stated that his room would be his one day and that he no longer needed to ask. All he wanted was to talk about wedding plans.

What plans?? We have done everything except the cake, which can wait. I need to discuss business with Jabrel, and he needs to wait outside. He interrupted me by saying if I save Anisel, I will be committing treason. I would be conspiring with the enemy. Our faces went into shock– how did he know that?? Was he listening through the door?? Matthew always comes in at an unexpected time. It was getting creepy to me.

I stood up from the throne and asked how he knew about that. Matthew grinned. I knew he was following me and listening in to my conversation!!! I knew it!! "Matthew, you have violated my privacy rights. This is royal business; you have no right to be here!" I snapped.

"I do have the right to be here, my love, as I will be the future king soon." He smirked.

Hamon, Mikhal, and Hazel were about to interrupt until Jabrel stood up from the throne. "You are speaking out of term, lord Matthew, as she can take that right away from you. You have no business to talk as you please."

"As you have no business dating a servant, your majesty."

He is talking out of line and invading royal privacy!!! This is unacceptable, and I can not stand here to see him ruin everything!! I walked down to where he stood. Hamon stood right next to me in case something happened. He will not talk about my baby brother in that matter. Matthew has crossed the breaking point of no return. I will take away what he doesn't deserve.

A smile appeared on his face as I couldn't physically do anything about this situation. My mother secures his position. I never had control of this arrangement in the first place; my mother was planning it from behind the scenes. She had already picked my king before I could even start looking.

So Anisel was just lucky, huh?? "You knew that you weren't going to win this battle. You knew I loved you. I couldn't give up this opportunity to be with you and rule the kingdom I cared for. I didn't know anything about Anisel; he was very lucky to be in the lineup."

My mother— my mother had reached a level that I thought couldn't be reached. The queen became a dictator. I took a deep breath as I would use all my power to protect Satia. I am a leader, and I must do whatever it takes to bring my mother down.

Jabrel, Lily, Mikhal, Hamon, and Hazel stood beside me. If she will take away my freedom and throne, then we will take away everything we did for this kingdom. My mother will be dethroned, and I will marry the love of my life. No matter what the cost.

Later that day, I tried to keep my distance from Matt, but I had no choice but to be around him. The wedding is approaching, and my parents want us to spend time together. We were sitting in the study hall as he talked about the cakes. At least I get a moment of silence once and then.

Matt glanced at me as I flipped through the pages. "What's the matter, Mia??" He asked. He is kidding, right?? Why would you ask me that?? I rolled my eyes and kept my silence. He chuckled, "Are you still mad about what happened? It's not like I'm going to tell. It was just a warning."

He leaned over and tried to caress my cheek, but I scooted away. Matthew was dead to me at this point— he didn't exist. I don't care if he is my fiancé. He doesn't deserve the throne or me. When I moved, he pulled me back by his hands.

Matt pouted, then gave me the dog eyes as if it would help. "You disgust me, I gave you so much, and yet you spit on it like nothing. How could you do this?" I asked him

"I already told you. Your mother gave me the opportunity; I just swooped in and took it. Once I entered the lineup, I was bound to become king. I only wanted the best for you." He came closer and wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

I pushed him back. "If you truly want the best for me, then you will see this is wrong." I got up and stormed out of the room. I needed to think up a plan without him knowing. How can I bring my mother down?? What does she cherish the most??

It wasn't her kids or father, but an alliance, but the people around her. If I can get those people on my side, then she will crumble. Everyone in this palace has to help pass along the messages. Jabrel is my successor to take down my mother.

I, Mia Robertson, will not fail. If I do, then this kingdom will be gulf in flames.

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