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A knock woke me from my slumber, so I turned over and placed the covers on my head. "Princess Mia! It is time to get up! You have a long day ahead of you, my lady." Hamon's voice rang through the room. Ugh. Do I have to get up?? Do I have to walk around the town examining the nobles? Can someone else do it for me?? Some nobles are stuffy and snobby.

I dragged myself out of bed to go and open the door for him. To my surprise, Jabrel was there as well. "Why are you my room, little brother?" I said, still half asleep.

"I was going to ram the door in to wake you like the good old days, but you got lucky. Our lovely parents won't join us for breakfast as they have work." He said as he walked off with his servants right behind him.

"I knew they weren't going to join us. Now I have to go out and search for myself."

"Mikhal and I will accompany you, your highness. We will ensure nothing goes wrong for this," Hamon said. He enters the room to pick out my clothes for today.

"Where's Mikhal? He is usually the one that picks out my outings." I asked with concern. He was helping with morning chores since the maids were short-staffed. My parents must have something big planned. Mikhal will join us soon. I hope so because he is my peace, and Hamon is my wise. Hamon guided me to the bathroom for my daily routine. I love my morning showers as it brings out my happiness. When I exited the bathroom, Mikhal was ready to dry me off. Woah! Where did he come from? How did he get done so fast??

"Sorry, I'm late. Had to help with setting the table, my lady." Mikhal said as he dried my naked body. I sighed before I asked them about the event happening today. How are we supposed to go about this? "The announcement was made yesterday, and the nobles are already walking around. All you have to do is find your winner. If you don't, those nobles and those around the kingdom will be on a list for your family to pick." Mikhal explained.

My family would pick the richest one out of all of them. But I have no choice if I want to be queen. Once dressed, I joined my brother in the dining hall. Jabrel was chowing down on some pancakes. When I arrived, his servant, Drew, was setting my plate down. He said good morning and backed away. One thing I love about the palace is that the staff cares about me and my brother. The reason why is because we treat them like ordinary people. With love and respect. While enjoying our bonding time, Jabrel had to excuse himself as he had business to attend to.

"Whenever you are done, my lady, we can head into town," Hamon said. Nodding, I picked up my pace of chewing. Mikhal wiped my face as the other maids cleaned the table. It was time to meet new people. By that, I mean my future husband/wife. I loved walking through town, seeing the citizens, and making new friends.

Everything was fun until I grew up, and everything became business. I don't go when I want to; I go when I have business to attend. It sucks. People stopped and waved at us as we were moseying down the road. Everyone's eyes were glued to me as their pupils lit up. Nobles were everywhere. You can tell by the way they are dressed. Very easy to spot. But chaos brewed once one saw me great.

~ Anisel ~

This morning, I woke up to Joshua cuddling me like a pillow. I pushed him aside, and he almost fell off the bed. "We need another mattress because this can't happen every night," I said as I went to get water. I couldn't take a sip when someone knocked. Of course, it would be Hazel; why wouldn't it be? She rushed in with bags full of things inside. "Good morning, Anisel. It's time!! It's time for you to become a prissy noble for the princess. She should be walking around soon. We have to get out there before it's too late." She stated. A hard yanked came out of nowhere, and I was tossed into a chair. Who knew that she was strong? My brother got a she-man in this life.

I looked over at Joshua to see him yawn. When his eyes came back open, he saw what Hazel had done to my hair. "Holy shit. That's the first time someone touched his hair since we left the town. This is new to see, and I like it." Joshua sat up in the rundown bed. Chuckling, he told his girlfriend she should be a makeup artist. She is good even though it is a downgrade from being a high noble.

After a couple of minutes, Hazel placed a mirror in my vision. "Ta-da! You are now Lord Anisel. Since nobody doesn't know who you are, your appearance has changed. You can morph yourself into someone else. Like Anisel Armstrong from the Archon kingdom. He is a noble there, and he is on vacation." She said,

Looking in the mirror, I was impressed by how she made me look. You couldn't even tell if it was me or not. "Nice, babe. He really does look like him, to be honest. I wonder what he looks like as king." Joshua got up to snatch water.

"Like someone who can rule this land better. Princess Mia is great— but she is not fit." Hazel said.

"You are right. I will look better on that throne than her. Now, should we go and catch a princess?" Joshua waved us bye as we headed out the door. I was a nervous wreck, to be honest. I tried to look as noble as possible. Luckily, Hazel gave me some tips to pass the test. My trailer was close to the main town, so we arrived quickly. Searching around the area, my nerves shot up. I was surprised to find out there would be many people walking around.

"Oh fuck."

~ Mia ~

A sea of nobles and none is my type. It doesn't matter, as they will go straight to my list. Mikhal leaned close to my ear to encourage me. "It's going to be just fine, your majesty. We are here to ensure the good-looking ones are on the list." He whispered. This is why I keep Mikhal around because he knows who is worth ruling by my side.

In the distance, I spotted Hazel; of course, guys surrounded her. Why does she do that when she's into girls? It's weird. Anyways, Hazel White has been my childhood friend. We used to do everything together because of our parents. Seeing each other has been problematic since I've been traveling around. It's odd for her to be on the list. When I got closer to her, I saw someone that was unrecognizable. "Hello, Lady Hazel," I said while I nodded respectfully.

"Your majesty! It's good to see you again!" she bowed. There was a slight gesture that Hazel made. The person next to her bowed. "Let me introduce you to Lord Anisel. He came from another kingdom and heard about the event. He came all this way to try to be your future king." She said,

Anisel, I heard that name somewhere. I examined the guy and could tell he had manners, but it could have been better. "Well, nice to meet you," I said.

"You as well, your majesty. This is my first time seeing you up close before. You are radiant as ever, my lady. I hope you pick me to be your husband. I could help you change this for the better." He smiled. Impressive. The way he talks smooths my nerves. What a calming voice. I nudged Hamon to put him on top.

"That was impressive, my lord. We will see if you come on top; for now, you pray. Have a good day, Hazel." I walked away, clenching my heart. What just happened to me??

"Are you okay, my lady?" Mikhal said worryingly.

"She is fine. She's blushing, that's all." Hamon laughed at my actions. I gave him the death stare as he shut up real quick.

"He just surprised me with his words, that's all," I said.

"And his smile— which you are a sucker for," Hamon added. I punched him in the arm to make him stop teasing me. But he was right; I like guys who smile as bright as day, especially with a very handsome or cute smile. It makes me melt every time. But, I cannot do that as I won't fall for a trap. I don't know this person; who knows what his intentions are? But man, he was absolutely handsome.

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