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~ Mia ~

"WHAT?!?" Anisel yelled. My hands covering his mouth shut him up. We are too out in the open for this damn it.

"What is wrong with you? Trying to get us in trouble or something?" I said.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to do that. It's a pretty name. It should have been your name." He mentioned. My face began to flush as we walked back. He was acting weird as well since I told him that. We made it back without difficulties. We stood by the fountain before going to our rooms. "Thanks for taking me out, Anisel, I appreciate it." I looked away.

"Sure. Hope we can do this again before the ball." He stated as he scratched the back of his head, nervously. I giggled as the last day is tomorrow. If we do it then I picked the location. We both smiled until we saw lights in the sky.

"Dang, it's the royal guards. They are probably doing their nightly patrol. We need to hide." I panicked.

We both searched around but nothing was decent. Without realizing it, my foot lost balance— my first instinct was to latch on to Anisel. As a reaction, he did the same. "Ack, princess," he said. We both dive into the water. We sat up coughing our lungs out– footsteps were heard nearby.

"Hope you can hold your breath," I said. Without a thought, he dunked his head under. The lights above were simmering on the surface. We are screwed if they look in, however, they did not. I let Anisel go and his body quickly emerged from the water. "Y-y-you okay princess?" he asked while wiping his face.


We helped each other out completely soaked from head to toe. We ended up waddling our way back to our rooms. Luckily no one saw us. I entered my room and slowly closed the door. Hamon sat on my bed chuckling. He scared the crap out of me. I knew I was in trouble. He walked up to me and guided me toward the bathroom.

"My princess is always getting into something. Saw you two in the garden when I came to check on you. My lady, you know better than to leave the palace, it could be dangerous. But I'm glad you are okay and unharmed."

While he was drying me off I asked him if he was going to tell my parents. What for?? He got used to me sneaking out, he always prepared when I got back. I thanked him as I got into my pajamas. What a great night!

Mikhal pulled off my covers. Why was I being tugged out of bed? "Lord Felix is waiting in the foyer for you, my lady. You need to get up and get dressed. Tomorrow is the ball and you still have to spend time with the other participants." He picked me up bridal style and went towards the bathroom.

Once I was freshened up, Mikhal escorted me to the foyer. Hamon opened the doors to reveal a handsome young man sitting at the table. "Good morning Lord Felix," I said as I bowed slightly to him.

"Morning your majesty. I see you took your time today getting up. Rough night?"

He had no idea. The servants came with breakfast and sat it nicely on the table. They bowed as they left the room. I wondered why my mother picked him because he has his land to rule. He closed one of his eyes while explaining his charm.

"I guess it's my charm. I do have a lot on my list but you are what's important now. I'm willing to put that aside and become your future king." His smile was heartwarming, it made me melt. He asked about my plans as queen if I didn't have to marry.

Well, there are a lot of things and the first is to rule the kingdom. I want to get rid of the crime that has risen here. Since then people have become outcasts and exiled. His mouth frowns as his eyes seem sorrowful. Did I say something that bothered him?? He wanted to know about the fugitive that still ran loose. They live a good life while we are restless. They haven't been captured yet for attempted murder.

I thought we were past this problem. They haven't been seen since the incident and they will probably never come back. Why is it a big deal?? But it is my fault for letting them go free, so I should feel guilty for not bringing them to justice. Should I put an end to this??

By the way, what happened that day??? Did they try to take my parents away?? Felix brought me back with a smile. He apologized for asking as he got up and bowed. "My lady, I'm sorry for the disturbance," Hazel said as she walked towards me.

"No worries, Lady Hazel. What does the royal guard's daughter need?"

"I was ordered to give you a message. My parents can not accompany you this afternoon, my lady." She bowed and stayed in the position for a while. This action shows me you are deeply sorry about what you have done. Felix stood up quickly, stating this was unacceptable for not protecting the princess.

There must be a reason why they couldn't. I know my guards and they would never abandon their work. Accompanying my parents is more important than me, so I don't mind. Hazel was ordered to take their place as my guard. Which wasn't necessary as I got my servants. They are trained to protect.

"Lady Hazel, my lady appreciates the offer but I can do that job as it is not your place to do so," Hamon added.

"As the top royal guards' daughter and trainee of the Blue Rose, I must fulfill my duties as a knight."

"And the Blue Rose will recognize their best knight. You can accompany Hamon and Mikhal with me on my next date." I brightly smiled at her as she smiled back. This will be interesting afternoon.

I was escorted back to the room once I was done with breakfast. Hazel had ordered Hamon and Mikhal to stay outside for a minute. They nodded and obeyed the guard's words. Taking off my shirt, I turned to Hazel. "Why did you want to guard me this afternoon Haz??"

"Because it was a special request from Lord Anisel. Jealousy has come upon him, he wants me to keep an eye on you." she chuckled. My face turned red with shock. Why was he jealous?

"When do we take orders from other people, Hazel?? Besides this is like a competition, first come first serve. But I appreciate his concern." I smirked.

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