👑 23 👑

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"TREASON!! She should be exiled or executed!!" Hamon shouted. I stood up from my chair, almost hitting Mikhal in the process.

"You have no right to give orders, Hamon. I am the one that is doing this and not you! So hold your tongue for whom you speak!" I shouted back. Hamon gave me a terrifying expression. It is rare for us to fight, but when we do, everyone better hide. I fixed my shirt and sat back in my chair.

Hazel will be sentenced for treason by what counted– I don't know. I tapped my chin, thinking of a way to deal with this. "Mi— I mean, your highness, I will do anything to protect you. It is hard to control your feelings as they keep going up. I should have told you about it, but I didn't want to lose him. Joshua means the world to me. I have never been happier. You know that feeling when you do anything for love?"

Water appeared in my eyes; I wiped them quickly. I peered at Anisel, whose eyes never left my sight. Hamon calmed down before talking once more. "I know you, Mia. Hazel is your best friend, but she must also have consequences."

I took a deep breath and then stood up. I need to think before I give judgment. Walking out of the cell, my servants followed me to the meeting room. We all plopped down at the table. I put my hands through my hair. The room was silent until Mikhal broke it by stating we must make a choice.

"Hazel's punishment must not be cruel as she is the daughter of high-level nobles and our top royal guard. If we kill her, then I am no better than my mother. I know it is treason, but was she a threat to our society?"

My little brother burst into the room and put his word in. That sudden entrance made us jump. Jabrel shouldn't be here as he doesn't have authorization. But being the stubborn brat that he is, Jabrel grabbed a set. He kicks his legs up like he owns the place. "If you don't get your dirty feet off that table. Besides, you are not allowed in here, Jabrel. Now leave at once."

"I should have a say as well, my dear sister. This burden shouldn't be put on you. What you did years ago is interesting, but I believe you wanted to do the right thing."

Jabrel wasn't shocked by it but impressed with how I could get away so easily. Even though I didn't arrest them, I did return the diamond to its rightful place. The whole room became silent when Jabrel pointed out they were wrongfully accused of a crime they didn't commit. Hamon spoke up once more as they should be sentenced to death of—

"Of what? Stealing the diamond that was returned afterward? Anisel and Joshua have done nothing wrong but little misdemeanors. Which can be solved by community service." Jabrel stated.

Regarding rules and regulations, Jabrel was the guy to break it down for you. He will find every plot hole in every law in the kingdom. So having him here wasn't bad. He explained Hazel has done nothing wrong but to date a person she loves. The only consequence she will get is probation.

Hamon didn't like the idea as they got a slap on the wrist. I shouldn't do that, and letting them off again will show my weakness. My citizens don't know the full story, and the press only told them what they believed. If they knew about this, it would cause trouble, something we don't need.

Mikhal agreed with Jabrel. Even though he is a servant, he knows what is right or wrong. "It may seem like a slap on the wrist, but it will show the citizens high nobles like Hazel can be stripped from their power. This will be the first noble that has been on probation. It will give them a sense that execution isn't the only option."

Mikhal was right. Execution was the only thing my mother and father did when things went wrong. That is why citizens stray away from pissing my parents or us off. This kingdom has gone to shit because of my parent's strict laws.

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