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Good, they leave with problems, and I hope they make it on time. It all comes down to rather we win the war or fucking it's up big time. I lay down in my bed and closed my eyes. The following day, Hamon tapped my shoulders. Ugh, today has finally come.

I stretched my body and glanced at Matthew, who was still asleep. Good. I slowly got out of bed and started my day with politicians. The people who made the law– I hate them. I sat down at the head of the table and crossed my arms.

"My lords, what brings you to my palace?" I mocked.

"This is not your palace until you have gotten the crown. Until that, you just live here, your majesty. We wanted to congratulate you on your wedding day. As you impress us with how fast you found someone." The person smiled.

I did find someone, but not the person they think. I gave them a little blank expression, then nodded. "Thank you, my lords. Now is sitting on that throne and getting the crown." I said, smiling.

The politicians looked at each other, "We heard about what your mother did as she pushed your coronation back. She explained to us that you weren't ready for the throne and you will never be. The king and queen are waiting for you to turn twenty-five to take the throne."

I stood up so fast that Mikhal had to catch the chair that flew back. I yelled at the top of my lungs about how idiotic the change was. How is she going to do that without even consulting me first? This means war between me and my mother. The politicians tried to calm me down by saying she had a good reason.

When I asked— they kept their mouths shut. Then there was no reason for her to do that. The people got up and told me good luck with today. At least I will be married when the time comes. Once that door closed, my mind went everywhere.

"Your highness, you need to calm down a little. Being mad won't solve anything. You have to wait until everything is set in place. There's nothing more than seeing them step down from the throne. Until that time, please calm down." Mikhal told me.

If he was in this fuck up situation, then he would be over the edge as well. What if this was Jabrel, huh? He would have still been able to take the throne without all this mess or stops. I wish I had an everyday life than this bullshit. Taking care of a kingdom is hard, but waiting to govern it, it's more complicated.

Taking deep and slow breaths, I relaxed. I pushed my hair back to think more. As long as things go smoothly today, then everything will be fine. Yep– everything will be fine. I hope so.

The servants were rushing around the place, getting me ready. I didn't know what to do as I sat in the chair. My hair was pulled so many different ways; my face felt like a cake with this makeup. It was chaos in the palace, more chaotic than I had ever seen. Hamon, Hazel, and Mikhal were getting pampered too.

My baby brother walked into my room, looking handsome as ever. "I got bored, so I came to see how everything is happening here." He asked as he viewed the room.

"I will be ready in thirty minutes... if you want, you can have a seat, my dear brother." I gestured towards the chair that was next to me. He didn't hesitate to take it. He scooted closer.

"You look stunning, Mia; I wish this weren't something you were forced into." He said in an upset tone. Since the beginning, Jabrel didn't like the idea of any of this stuff. He wanted me to be happy and rule this place.

Instead, I became miserable halfway through the selection. The only time I was happy about this was when Anisel came along. I didn't care about what he did in the present or past. I wanted him by my side... holding me, kissing me, and loving me. He was everything that a person could imagine.

Finding love is hard when you are a princess. All these rules can run anyone away. It can break you or even make you— it was plain torture. Anyways, the wedding dress was in perfect condition, and my maids checked it a million times before coming to an end.

I talked with Yuli, Jabrel, and Hazel before heading toward the chapel. They knew what to do and how to do it. They knew all my servants were on my side and ready for the signal. They knew I needed a moment to get myself prepared.

"One of my colleagues mentioned that they haven't been seen yet. So they should be on their way." Hazel stated.

"With Lily with them, they should be safe, at least. I'm sure everything will be fine." Jabrel added in.

"My citizens are ready to defend me when something goes wrong. High nobles as well as low-class citizens. Anisel has to prove his worth to us."

A second later, the carriage arrived. Hamon and Mikhal helped us inside. My gown sparkled as the sun hit a specific spot. It made everyone cover their eyes in excitement. As we rode, my mother couldn't stop staring at me. Her eyes began to water, "oh, Mia. I waited for this day to come. You are finally getting married." She said as she patted her face.

"Yes, mother, I waited as well. I'm so happy." I put on a fake smile. She smiled back as she turned her head to watch the view. My brother and I turned to each other and nodded. I was happy but happy to take you down.

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