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Hazel was impressed by what I said. Mikhal came out of nowhere, scaring us. We nervously looked at each other, thinking he may have heard the conversation. Hamon came rushing in with the first aid kit, with my brother behind him.

"What happened?? Hamon is freaking the heck out. He almost destroyed the kitchen for the med kit." Jabrel said as he plopped down on the bed.

Hamon took some ointment and rubbed it on my burn. That tea was hotter than hell and burned a hole through my favorite skirt. Once changed, I stood up and checked it in the mirror. I can tell people it is a battle scar. I headed to the throne room to pass the time as I waited for Anisel.

I can't believe I will be picking my mate tomorrow. If I stick to Yuli's plan, I will rule by myself. Jabrel followed me to the room for company. "You look good up here, sis. I will be a very proud brother once they crown you. I am now pronouncing the next ruler of Satia, Queen Mia Robertson! That sounds nice, doesn't it?" he said as he put on a bright smile.

"That does sound nice, your highness. Everyone is waiting for that day." Mikhal added. I sat there thinking, what will it be like as queen? Will it be better or the same? Hamon tapered off to grab Anisel.

Jabrel left as well, with Lily right behind him. They are cute together. Mikhal stood beside me and asked if I was getting nervous. Of course not; it's just a date, and I can control myself this time. However, I lied to myself as Anisel's face made me shiver with happiness. Just like Matthew when he comes around. A minute later, Hazel and Hamon walk in with him. There was someone else too– who was that?

~ Anisel ~

As I was getting ready, Joshua came to me with a pout. "Big brother, can I come along?" he whined. Hell no. I must do this alone, or everything will be ruined.

"If you get recognized by someone on the street, it will blow our cover. I worked hard to get us here."

"I will dress up like you and change my clothes. I need to get out of this house before I go insane. Plus, tagging along if something happens will be a good idea. I could be a distraction." Joshua made a smug face.

I mean, he isn't wrong in this situation. He would be perfect if those guys were still looking for us. I can't deny his help. I told him to hurry as they will get us soon. An hour passed, and Hazel and Hamon came to escort us to the princess.

Hamon needed clarification about the extra person, so I told him he was my servant from home. He nodded and kept walking forward. As long Joshua doesn't mess up, this may work. We made it to the throne room, and I immediately bowed once I saw Mia.

"She looks nothing like Laura. The eyes and hair are all off. Are you sure??" Hazel whispered.

I was positive it was her. The stories match up, and Mia has the same personality as her. Even though Mia's hair is a reddish hair color, her eyes are perfect. When I was around her, my heart began to beat. This is how I knew.

"Good evening, lord Anisel, and who may this be?" she said out of curiosity. With a simple explanation, Joshua was my servant. My parents sent him here to watch me since I was not home. A smile formed on her face, and she accepted him. Mia said we would meet the family in the dining hall for dinner.

Oh no, the family– the people I have to impress the most. I got this!! Mia introduced me to them once again when we entered the room. We sat down and waited for the food to be served. "Anisel, what do your parents do for a living?" the king asked.

I gulped a little. "They are treasurers for the kingdom. They keep up with money and assets." I tried to keep a poker face. The queen seemed interested in my words and wanted Mia's attention as I was a good investment. She wasn't even paying her mother no mind of what had been spoken. So, I nudged her under the table.

She popped up from her daydream and thought it was a great idea as she can give people equal taxes. That's when the room got silent. You can tell the parents were displeased by her statement. If she raises the taxes in the kingdom, it will balance the low and high classes. Equal taxes cause property to have less value than the next, which means no more homeless.

"Equal taxes are equal property rights, which our citizens can pay for, leaving fewer homeless people walking around vandalizing other people's worth. If I expand the land into Periva, we will have more buildings and shops to give us the assets we need to raise our income."

Oh shit, that wasn't an evil plan after all. Mia has considered everyone's needs instead of the higher-ups. More space in the kingdom means more stores to build that will bring income. The money that is used goes to building up the dumps. Nice, Mia.

Jabrel chuckled as he knew his sister wasn't a dummy. She knows what she wants, which is why they want her queen. But that doesn't mean I can't swoop in and take those plans. I got a mission; I can't let it jeopardize my feelings towards Mia. She could help with something, though. If I can get on her good side, she can tell me how to get rid of this bounty over my head.

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