Chapter 52: Section 4

Start from the beginning

"Whoa." Teresa whisper, sitting up, hugging the pillow tight. Evelyn sat up and placed a hand on her arm. 

"It'll be okay. We're family and we stick together. We will get through this! Thomas and Minho and I are going to check out a section of the maze and see if we can find a way out. We found a weird machine thing in a Griever I squished." 

"Whoa, hold up!" Teresa yelped. "Nick told me about Grievers...and you squished it?" 

Evelyn nodded slowly, and went on to explain her night in the maze and how she killed the thing. Teresa's eyes went wider and wider and her mouth dropped open. 

"Girl!" Teresa gapped at her, "I think I'm sticking close to you from now on!" 

Evelyn chuckled, "Come, on, time to get ready, Fry will probably have coffee going by now. You can borrow some of my clothes." 

The girls got ready and left the Hut. Evelyn froze. Something was wrong. Frowning she couldn't figure it out for a moment. Then it hit her. 

"There's no sun!" She gasped looking up. 

"How is that possible?" Teresa whispered, grabbing Evelyn's hand. 

Both girls looked up to the sky. The sun was gone. The sky was now a dull grey. The sun had actually shut off. They stood there both looking up and staring at the grey stone ceiling. Apprehension and anxiety filled her, she felt it forming a tight ball in her chest.

"Come on, we need to find the guys!" Evelyn pulled Teresa with her to the dinning area. They found the guys all standing around staring up at the sky...or the lack of sky. 

"Guys!" Evelyn called rushing over, Teressa right behind her. 

"What did you do?" Gally rounded on the girls. 

"Excuse me?" Evelyn asked, taken aback, "You wanna try that again?" 

"No. Not you, her." Gally pointed at Teressa, who was looking like she was slapped. 

"What did you do?" He asked again, louder and took a menacing step towards the new girl. 

Evelyn was proud of the girl, she didn't back down or flinch. She stood up straighter, and her kind blue eyes flashed. 

"I did nothing! I woke up here same as you! I don't remember anything!" She said defiantly.

"Oh yeah?" Gally challenged. 

"How the heck dose one turn off the sun?" She asked. 

"Gally!" Evelyn called loudly. The boy glared at Teressa, "Gally!" Evelyn called again, sharper and more demanding. The boy finally looked at her. Evelyn raised her hand, which was still holding Teresa's. 

"Do you trust me?" She asked. 

He nodded. 

"Good. Then listen. I can feel her emotions. She genuinely has no idea! And like she said, how does someone turn off a big ball of fire in the sky? Breath Gally. She's in this just the same as us, alright? Remember it's not our fault, its the Creators." 

Gally huffed and turned on his heel. Teressa deflated slightly. Evelyn gave her hand a squeeze and pulled her to the breakfast line. Newt slid up behind her and wrapped his arms around Evelyn's waist. The knot in her chest loosened slightly. 

"Hey Love." He whispered into her hair. 

She smiled and hummed. Fry gave them a look, but then smirked. 

"Ahhh my favorite couple is back, are they?" His big happy voice boomed loud and happy, despite the weird morning and the fact the sun was just gone. 

"Absolutely they are!" Newt grinned, and then nuzzled his face into her hair and neck. And made Evelyn wiggle and giggle. Frypan chuckled, and handed them plates of food and mugs of coffee. 

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