Reaffirmation of Love

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Aditi and Rudra had just finished freshening up. As Aditi began preparing herself, meticulously choosing her attire and tending to her appearance, she caught a glimpse of her neck and shoulders in the mirror. A sudden gasp escaped her lips as her eyes widened at the sight of love bites adorning her skin.

A rush of emotions flooded through her as she felt a mixture of surprise, shyness, and a hint of excitement. Blushing furiously, she couldn't help but smile at the reflection staring back at her. In that moment, Rudra noticing Aditi's reaction and the marks on her skin.

With a warm and possessive smile, Rudra gently affirmed, "This is my mark on you, Adu. You belong to me, and me alone." His words carried a sense of endearment, a declaration of their intimacy and the depth of their connection.

In a subtle move to keep their private moments discreet, Aditi reached for her concealer. With delicate strokes, she carefully concealed the love bites, maintaining their private intimacy within the confines of their relationship. It was her way of preserving their moments while navigating the world outside their personal sphere.

Rudra loved the aroma of a sumptuous breakfast prepared with a charming yet authoritative demeanor, he instructed the staff to arrange breakfast in the balcony of their room.

As the staff meticulously set up the table with an array of delicious dishes, Aditi questioned the choice of having breakfast in the room rather than downstairs.

"I wanted to spend some quality time alone with you, Adu. This place offers the perfect privacy and beauty for us to enjoy breakfast together," Rudra softly explained, his eyes reflecting a deep longing for their undisturbed togetherness.

Aditi, though slightly puzzled at first, smiled appreciatively at Rudra's romantic gesture, acknowledging the thoughtfulness behind his actions. They indulged in their breakfast, the gentle morning breeze weaving through their conversation, and the serenity of the ambiance enveloping them in a cocoon of love.

After their meal, as they basked in the calmness of the balcony, the staff efficiently cleared the table and left the couple alone. It was a moment that Rudra cherished—the tranquility shared with Aditi in their personal space.

"Adu, can you tell me now why you cried yesterday ?" Rudra's voice was firm yet laced with concern, his eyes searching for an explanation that would deepen their understanding of each other. "I need only the truth, Adu, please," he added, his tone revealing his genuine desire to connect on a deeper emotional level.

Aditi was taken aback by the directness of Rudra's inquiry. Surprised and momentarily speechless, she gathered her thoughts, realizing the sincerity in Rudra's request for honesty. As she began to respond, Rudra's insistence on the truth signaled the importance he placed on their communication and trust.

Aditi's voice quivered as she struggled to express her emotions, hesitating to voice the turmoil brewing within her. "When you took me to the room yesterday and mentioned that I was the first person, aside from you, to enter it, I felt deeply touched," she finally began, her eyes reflecting a mixture of vulnerability and sincerity.

"After spending time with you, getting to know you better, I started developing feelings for you. But there's always been this nagging feeling in the back of my mind," Aditi confessed, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "I couldn't help but wonder if only I could truly be your first. The thought that someone else might have experienced this side of you before me…it troubled me."

A Match Made by Fate: Rudra and Aditi's Arranged Love [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now