Introducing Rundransh & Aditi

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Rudransh Suryavanshi

Rudransh, a 32-year-old with a commanding presence, holds the position of CEO at Suryavanshi Industries

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Rudransh, a 32-year-old with a commanding presence, holds the position of CEO at Suryavanshi Industries. In the cutthroat world of business, he is renowned for his ruthless and devilish approach. His mere aura strikes fear into the hearts of those who encounter him, leaving them hesitant to utter a word in his presence.

To the outside world, Rudransh may seem cold-hearted and unyielding, but his demeanor undergoes a profound transformation when he's with his family. His son is the absolute apple of his eye, and he showers the young one with love and devotion. When it comes to his family, Rudransh's protective instincts and warmth shine through.

His brothers greatly admire and love him, considering him their ultimate role model. Yet, even they can't escape the undercurrent of fear that Rudransh's presence instills in them. Despite their deep respect and affection, there's always an element of trepidation.

The only individual who can truly influence Rudransh and to whom he listens without question is his grandfather, Omkaar. He holds the utmost respect for his grandfather and values his wisdom and guidance, never refusing to heed his opinions. This profound bond with his grandfather adds a layer of complexity to Rudransh's character, revealing a softer, more obedient side beneath his ruthless exterior.

Aditi Verma

Aditi, at 21 years old, is a young woman of extraordinary beauty, graced with a soft-spoken and gentle nature that complements her physical allure

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Aditi, at 21 years old, is a young woman of extraordinary beauty, graced with a soft-spoken and gentle nature that complements her physical allure. She is strikingly beautiful and possesses a graceful demeanor. Aditi's passions lie in the realms of singing and dancing, where she finds solace and self-expression.

Tragedy struck Aditi's life at a very young age when she lost her parents. Raised by her grandparents and chachu (paternal uncle), she grew up in an environment marked by traditional and orthodox beliefs.She loves to dance and sing but they emphasized strictness and the importance of adhering to traditional gender roles, often reminding her that, as a girl, she must strive for perfection and unquestioning obedience.

Aditi dutifully followed their instructions, despite her personal reservations, and rarely questioned their authority. In the midst of this strict environment, her brother emerged as her unwavering support system. He unconditionally loved and defended her, often standing up for her rights and questioning the rules imposed upon her behalf.

However, in this family dynamic, Aditi had to silently endure the envy and jealousy of her badi ma (aunt) and her daughter, who seemed determined to make life difficult for her in various ways. Aditi bore their troubling behavior with quiet strength, never daring to question or confront them.

Yet, deep within her heart, Aditi longed for the warmth and love that seemed to elude her in her own family. She harbored a secret wish, one she whispered to her beloved Kanha, to send someone into her life who would love her unconditionally, giving her the love and acceptance she yearned for. This unfulfilled desire adds a layer of complexity and emotion to her character in the story.


🤗Common, guys! Let's make this journey together. Your engagement is what keeps the chapters coming. So, show your love and let's keep this story rolling.💕💞🤗
Please continue to be the part of this journey.🫣🤗


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