An Emotional Departure

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Vaishali, guided Aditi to the elegantly decorated area for the muh dikhayi rasam. Aditi, gracefully settled onto the adorned stool. Omkar and Durga initiated the ritual, lifting the veil to reveal Aditi's face, presenting her with a traditional heirloom symbolic gift.

The atmosphere resonated with joy as family members and guests from the Suryavanshi family partook in the age-old tradition, each offering their heartfelt gifts. Aditi, the center of attention, garnered praise for her captivating beauty.

Parth and Deepa were sitting with aditi as everyone was sending off the guests, Aditi said bhaiyya you and Deepa got engaged long back but you both waited for me to get married and now I am married.So now you both think about yourselves,and get married as soon as possible, Deepa smiled and said adi don't worry about us and our marriage. Just be happy adi give a chance to this marriage you are understanding my point right Aditi nodded in yes and we both will be leaving today said parth Aditi was shocked and said why bhaiyya.Parth affectionately caressed Aditi's head, and explained it's been 2 days we are staying here Aditi and we will come again on reception right meanwhile I have to go home and see the situation over there, Aditi got panicked and said bhaiyya what if dadaji and bade papa scolds you iam scared bhaiyya, parth said Aditi when will they not be angry and I know how to handle them very well in my way so don't bother about me, Aditi turned towards her friend and said Deepa at least you can stay here na Deepa said I have rejoin the office Aditi and there is lot of work as parth we both will be here on reception and you will be staying here in Jaipur we can meet whenever we want just like old days. Aditi's smile returned listening to Deepa.

Suryavanshi family members came inside sending off their guests parth reached them and said it's time to take leave dadaji thanks for everything , omkar said where are you going parth you both should stay till reception, parth explained he has to go home to settle the issue and return to work ,omkaar to nodded parth took blessings from elders and hugged the youngers, parth turns to Rundransh and said thanks for everything rudranshji durga said parth he is now your jeejaji, parth smiled and said I'll take leave jeejaji , Deepa took blessings from everyone, Aditi and parth shared a emotional hug and parth said take care,iam just a call away.

Deepa and aditi shared a emotional hug both were crying mess, Rudransh arranged a vehicle for them later they bid bye to them and everyone came inside the haveli, Aditi was standing there seeing the departure vehicle, vaishali observed her said come aditi it's past dinner time saying she took Aditi inside, she made Aditi sit beside Rudra. As the food was served, Rudra's attention shifted to Aditi's plate, noticing she has very little food on her plate and that too she was eating with so much difficulty.

Laksh, suggested that Aditi and Rudra to share a meal, encouraging to feed each other. Aditi appeared taken aback, her gaze directed downward in hesitation. Despite her initial refusal, Laksh's insistence prevailed, and he urged them to partake in this symbolic act of love.

Rudra took a morsel and, with uncertainty in actions,he brought it to Aditi's lips. Hesitatingly, she accepted, and in that exchange, a subtle shift in the atmosphere occurred.Everyone encouraged Aditi to feed Rudra she did the same she felt butterflies in her stomach when her fingers touched his lips. All the family members cheered at them and dhruv captured these moments to the wedding memories.


Thank you for your continued support and encouragement in reading. While this chapter may seem a bit slow, stay tuned for the next one as it promises to unveil intriguing elements


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